CHAPTER 12 – Brendon
Vivian was shaking in my arms. I fucking hated that she had been in danger. I hated my mother for sending her up here. But most of all, I hated that fucking prick, King Cian, who scared her. He wasn’t noble or good in any sense of the word.
The bastard compelled women to take their panties off for him, and they lined up to do so. I vowed then and there that I would die before anyone else hurt her.
From the moment that Ace and I came across Viv, I knew that she was different. I put up a fuss and tried to act like I didn’t care. The truth was that I cared too much, and it scared the fucking shit out of me. It had been a long time since my emotions were even touched. My mother had gone a long way to turn me into the cold bastard that I was.
In truth, it was my odd friendship with Ace that had kept me tethered to reality all of these years. We had hunted together for decades. I could almost read his thoughts, and I knew in an instant what he would do and how we could bring a rogue down.
There were two basic things we hunted for the hive, but they equated the same thing—enemies. There were rogue vamps that had gone feral and killed on rampage, and then there were vampire hunters who killed our people without thought or regard of the consequences.
We didn’t pose a threat to the humans. We have lived peacefully among them for generations. But there is always the vigilante group that lump us in with the monsters that destroy and kill. It’s almost humorous because I was told once by a self-righteous vamp hunter that we all had the capability of becoming a feral rogue. By that same explanation, every human had the capability of becoming a serial killer.
The hunter spat out that those cases were nothing alike. The truth was that I had knocked his precious theory on its ass.
Then we found her, this beautiful girl, smelling of innocence and blood looking horrified at what she had done. I didn’t understand how they found her; she had to come from somewhere. It didn’t make any sense. Ace was sure that we needed to save her.
Like I could have staked her, the thought was almost laughable. She was fucking adorable, bloodied and covered in vomit. When we had her cleaned up and tied to my bed, wearing my clothes, it was damn near torture. I gave up and drank from her once. It was foolish, and Ace about had my ass for it. I knew better.
Now her taste was all I could think about. Her innocent writhing beneath me as she came so gloriously. It was permanently etched in my mind, and no matter what I did I couldn’t get it out of my head.
The only way she would be allowed to stay in the hive is if she joined Ace and I as hunters. My mother was clear that I took her on or she would stake her before the dawn. I didn’t know how to tell her. Viv wasn’t like us. How did you tell the girl who had you in knots that she would need to start killing the people that raised her as their own?
Her parents, yeah, they had avoided us a few times. But they were well aware of who Ace and I were. So, like a fool I asked my mother for our first assignment to be away from Viv’s home. She needed to get a feel for what we did. Learn the hunt and why it was so important to keep us alive.
My mother, bitch that she was, granted my request.
“Kill the Vampire King, and I won’t say another word about your little pet.”
I could still see the glittering malice in her eyes as I rounded a bend in the forest and came upon a lake that sparked in the moonlight.
“Viv, is this alright?”
She nodded against my neck, her lips brushing my skin and my hard-on throbbed in my pants. It was a constant reminder of what a fucking idiot I was. How could I be falling for a girl that was barely a woman, and one that I knew Ace cared about as well?
What? Were we honestly going to share her? I wasn’t so sure I could do it. Every time I came in the room and found them near each other I wanted to rip Ace’s head off. I am sure he felt the same way about me. But then there was also that deep-seated need to protect her, cherish her. I knew that Ace would do anything to keep her safe, and I took comfort in that.
I settled my back against a large tree and held her against me.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
She nodded slowly, but it took her several moments to speak.
“His room overlooks the palace grounds. There were people out there...”
She trailed off, but she didn’t need to continue. I was very much aware of what vampires did in the dark of night.
“And that upset you?” I asked gently.
She shuddered. “I don’t know. I felt strange, like I should look away, but I couldn’t.”
“Who?” I asked through gritted teeth.
“Malcolm, he was fucking that girl, Francine. But then when they... when it...”
“After it was finished?” I supplied.
“Yeah, they turned and bowed to the window like they had been the actors in a great play. That sick bastard set the whole thing up. Then Cian tried to compel me to kiss him.”