Page 24 of Vivian

I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.

She stumbled on, “But then he said something about me being there only for him. I remembered that I was supposed to kill him, not kiss him. I ran. I had to get out of there. He is a horrible person. I don’t understand how vampires can care so little for physical intimacy. It made me feel stupid and dirty. I didn’t like it at all.”

“You aren’t stupid,” I said gruffly, “And you are certainly not dirty.”

“Then why did my body react to what I saw?”

I could hear the vulnerability in her voice, and it was killing me.

“Viv, your body craves sex. We have an animal instinct to mate, which is intensified by the bloodlust. But that being said, sex doesn’t have to be with random people. You have control over your body.”

She scoffed. “Yeah and you fuck your drones and I’m not supposed to care about that?”

I stiffened, “What does that have to do with anything?”

Viv looked up at me, and my heart literally felt like it was being ripped from my chest. Her eyes glittered with tears.

“I can’t stand the thought of you being like that with anyone else.”

Blood was pounding in my ears, and I swallowed hard, hoping to gather my senses.

“Viv, I haven’t fucked anyone since I met you. You made it perfectly clear what you thought about intimacy with drones when you were going through the change.”

She frowned, “What?”

I wanted to laugh, her expression was part hopeful, and part horrified.

“You said that if I touched anyone else, you would cut my dick off. In fact, you yelled it several times.”

A deep flush stained her cheeks, “Why don’t I remember that?”

“There is a reason why you are tied down during the change. It’s for your protection as well as those caring for you. When the blood-lust is out of control, you tend to say what your deepest darkest thoughts are.”

Viv’s eyes widened, “Please tell me I didn’t say anything terrible.”

I smiled and then laughed when I thought about those harrowing days.

She swatted my stomach, a small smile hovering on her lips, “It’s not nice to make fun of me. If you aren’t sleeping with your drones how are you getting blood?”

I winced, “Bagged blood really sucks, doesn’t it?”