Zack turned on his heel and strode off.
Axel sighed. In a rumbly voice, he said, “I will go talk to him.”
That left me alone with the Energizer Bunny, yay fucking me.
“You are mad at me,” Sarah said it like a statement, not a question so I didn’t respond. “I didn’t know that they were going to leave you. And I made them promise that at the first opportunity they would go back.”
I shrugged, “It doesn’t matter.”
Sarah bit her lip as if thinking about something, “What is your SUPER power?”
The question surprised me, and I answered, “Healing. What about you?”
“Laser vision, although I can heal Axel, I can’t anyone else and if I am sick I get better faster around him. The medics said that it had something to do with the imprinting bond. I guess one party uses some of the energy of the other party. It’s complicated.”
Actually, that made sense to me. When I healed someone, I felt a heat or energy move up my arms and into whomever I was working with.
“It was nice meeting you.” I turned to leave but she placed a hand on my arm.
“Look, Chloe, I hate to do this because you are mad at me. But, I need you to heal me.”
TWO HOURS LATER WEwere laughing over the drink she had accidentally sprayed out of her nose.
“How did you manage to lose your bathing suit top?”
Sarah shrugged. “I don’t know? But my tits are one of the few things that I am proud of. I came out of the waterslide and realized it was gone, so I walked back to the towels. How was I to know that they gave tickets out for nudity.”
I couldn’t help the laughter that sputtered out. “Have you ever heard of indecent exposure?”
She rolled her eyes, “Yes, because I had to pee so bad once while we were in gridlock on the freeway. It was pee in my pants or pee on the side of the road. Well, you can guess which one I chose. The officer wasn’t very sympathetic at all.”
I laughed again, realizing that my stomach hurt from all the laughter. I had wanted to not like this girl. But she was oddly endearing, and she was determined to like me.
“All right,” I said, raising my hand, “I’ll bite, you look to be in perfect health so what needs healing?”
Sarah blushed, “It’s kind of embarrassing.”
I cocked a brow, “The nudist is now embarrassed?”
She grinned at me, “Ha! No, it’s just that bodily functions are not always cool. Look, I have been struggling with a stomach bug, I either feel like vomiting or have diarrhea all the time. I don’t want to see Von, he works with Axel. He would just make me stay in bed and I hate that.”
“So, you want me to heal you?”
She nodded, “That’s the gist of it. Can you do that?”
“I haven’t had anyone that hasn’t responded yet. Come closer and let me put my hands on your stomach.”
She moved closer and I touched her abdomen.
The moment I did, I heard her heartbeat steady and strong but also that of another; it was rapid, but also steady.
I sensed around her body trying to find what wasn’t whole. I hadn’t had many chances to learn yet with the med unit but knew this much. I couldn’t find anything besides some fatigue. I pressed energy into her and hoped that it helped.
When I removed my hands she smiled, “Thank you, I think I feel better already.”
I nodded, “How long have you been feeling ill?”
Sarah thought for a moment, “A few weeks maybe?”