I was watching the way her lips were curled up on the end even though a few tears had managed to fall down her beautiful face.
“I am not very good at romance,” I could feel my cheeks heating at the admission, but I plowed on. “However, I know that on earth people tend to get married. Seeing as how we are Life Mates, it isn’t something that we do. But I know what it means to you, that you always wanted to...”
“Yes,” Sarah interrupted my proposal, “Yes, yes, yes!”
I reached for her shaking hand and slipped the diamond on her finger. It was a little loose and I cursed those damn books that always insisted it was a perfect fit.
“Get up here,” Sarah tugged on my arms and I rose to my feet, taking her with me.
She squealed as I spun us around with her in my arms.
“You are my everything,” I whispered, and, in my heart, I knew that it was true.
She cupped my face. “You are so much better than Thor.”
Head Commander Cole cleared his throat, “If you two would like to continue?”
Sarah blinked as if she had forgotten where we were. She shoved out of my arms and tried to look official again.
“Axel, do you take this woman...”
WE ENDED UP HAVINGa small dinner afterward. During dessert, I leaned over to kiss her for what had to be the hundredth time.
“Are you mad that I sprang that on you?”
She turned, that perfect nose tilted into the air. “Am I mad that you sprang an entire wedding on me in front of the everyone that is anyone? Or am I mad that you cheated me out of wearing a huge expensive wedding dress that would likely cost more than our first airship?”
I swallowed; shit, I hadn’t thought about that.
“Look, we can have another wedding, Fuck, we can have as many as you want. Let me go talk to The Head Commander.” I went to rise, but her hand stopped me.
“Axel, I don’t need a fancy dress, or a certain venue to have the perfect wedding. I just needed you. I can’t believe you went to all that trouble. Honestly, that is what means the most to me. I know you don’t care about any of this. But you did it for me. Axel, I will never forget this.”
“So,” I waggled my eyebrows, “Are you saying I might get one of those honeymoons?”
Her mouth dropped for the second time. “No way!”
“Baby, like I would skimp on our wedding! I have every single guidebook racing around my mind and all of them have kickass honeymoons.”
Her brows knit together. “What are you talking about? What guidebooks?”
“You know,” I leaned close and whispered, “Your sex books?”
“For the last time they are just romance, maybe erotic romance, but they are not porn!”
The conversations around us halted.
“I said that really loud, didn’t I?” Sarah hissed.
“I want to read the sex books!” Kat called out from down the table.
Sabine sent us a death glare. “When you are a little older dear.”
Head Commander Cole grinned at us, “Perhaps you could loan some of those to Zack.”
Sarah groaned and dropped her head to the table with a thunk.
To cover the breach I asked, “How are Zack and Chloe doing?”