Head Commander Cole winced. “I have faith that something good will come of it. When I see the two of you, I am as determined as ever to let them find their way. We have another mission that needs to be attended to. Before the two of you volunteer, I am grounding you both for the next month. You will have that honeymoon Axel planned out. Zack and Chloe can take this on. And if they can’t, I have heard word that there has been another human discovered.”
That brought Sarah’s head up, “Where is she?”
Commander Cole shrugged, “Somewhere in the UK, I believe. They are doing an expansive search now to see who we can pair her with. But from what I understand the girl has survived transport from earth.”
“What was she supposed to die of?” Sarah asked in a hushed tone.
“An aneurysm; the med staff fixed it first thing. Her body is going through the changes now and she should awaken in the next week or two.”
“What is the problem with Zack and Chloe?”
I was glad that Sarah had asked the question, because I too had wondered.
Head Commander Cole smiled. “He should never have left her behind. She will lead him on a merry chase.”
I looked over at Sarah, knowing that she would get some amusement out of being right. She had been the one from the start that said we shouldn’t have left her. But Sarah’s gaze was on me.
“What?” I smoothed a strand of her white blonde hair away from her mouth.
“You never would have left me.”
She wasn’t asking a question. It was a statement, and the way she said it, so determined and strong, had me filling with pride.
“No,” I said shortly.
Her smile never failed to make my heart race and my dick twitch.
I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through that beautiful mind.
Sarah shook her head. “I know that our imprinting made me SUPER, but you... Your heart has always been super. I love you, Axel.”
I didn’t care that the dinner wasn’t quite over or that she hadn’t touched her dessert. I stood, causing my chair to crash to the ground, and picked Sarah up, throwing her over my shoulder. The noise coupled with her laughter had everyone stopping to stare.
“What are they doing?” Kat asked Sabine.
I turned to Kat. “Chasing our happily ever after.”