Page 59 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 23 – Sarah

Heath turned from thethird cavern lake that we had visited and shook his head. He was indicating that nothing was wrong with the water. It didn’t make sense. If the water supply was fine, why were the crops dying?

Interestingly enough, we didn’t meet one green-eyed person on this trip. Kat had a great time chatting with several of the people and they all seemed happy to see her. We asked about Grantham and the Malones, but nobody knew them either.

When darkness started to fall we saw that a storm was brewing. Because of the sand here on Seron, the storms could be horrendous. Waves of sand can literally bury a person or aircraft. We got into the airship and Axel started flying it toward the capital. But the closer we got the worse the storm was.

“We need to find shelter,” Heath yelled out over the sound of the storm.

Axel nodded and turned to Kat. “Where is the safest place we can go from here?”

Her brows knitted together in thought before she brightened, “Castalia, the city is just over the next dune to your left. I have an uncle there, Uncle Stanos.”

Heath followed Kat’s directions and we indeed did come to a small city tucked away between some smaller mountains. The storm wasn’t as bad here, but I had a feeling that it was coming. We radioed ahead, and they were expecting us and made space for the aircraft. Once the large metal doors closed we were able to get out.

The first man we came too had bright green eyes.

Kat smiled at him as if nothing was wrong, “We are here to seek refuge with Uncle Stanos.”

The man nodded and turned to lead us through the hanger into what looked to be a maze of stairs and hallways. None of this was visible from the outside and I realized that we were going inside one of the mountains. Their city was primarily underground.

The next person we met also had bright green eyes. “Stanos cannot see you now, child, he requests that you eat some supper and he will attend you as soon as he can.”

Kat nodded. “We should like to wash up if that is alright?”

The man nodded. “Of course.”

It was strange to know that the person you were looking at could literally be anyone but the one face they are showing you.

“If the ladies would like to use this chamber, there is another one across the hall for the gentlemen.”

We walked into the bathing chamber and Kat grabbed my hand, pulling me inside to the furthest spot away from the entrance.

“Something is wrong here; I don’t know those people.”

I nodded, my voice in a quiet whisper, “I saw they were in a disguise, and everyone has a mouth.”

“What? Of course, they have mouths, what are you talking about?”

My lips compressed into a line, “Nothing, just a little something that Axel said to me about Seronians. Look hard, Kat, nobody is familiar?”

Kat shook her head.

“They will know that I am aware they are not who they say they are,” fear lacing her tones.

“But they don’t know that Axel, Heath, and I will also know they are not who they say they are. Play along, Kat, pretend that nothing is wrong. They may see that as a sense of solidarity from you. Do not let anyone know that we are aware of the secret. The element of surprise will be what we need to figure this out.”

She nodded shakily. “I am scared.”

I pulled her to me for a quick hug. “You are brave, fierce, and loyal. It’s okay to be scared. I would be worried if you weren’t. Just remember to stay close to me or Axel; we won’t let anything happen to you.”

She nodded again.

I went to the basin and began to wash up and indicated that she needed to do the same. Moments later we were walking back out into the hallway.

“Was everything okay in there?” Axel frowned. “It seemed to take forever.”

Kat froze, and I scowled at him.