“No way.” His hands flew into the air. “I was going to go there next and get her. The last thing I wanted was for you all to get involved. Besides, she hadn’t even woken up.”
The Commander raised a hand to stop his son. “She is awake now.”
The stopped all of us in our tracks.
“If you do not imprint with her, she will die.” The Commander stood. “I am sorry, but I must pull you from this mission, Zack. Heath can take your place; you are to report back to Zeron immediately.”
“You can’t seriously be taking me off this mission!” Zack’s tone was incredulous. “Dad, I am the leader, the fucking captain. I can’t abandon it for some human girl.”
In hindsight, I shouldn’t have let my temper get the best of me. But just the way he was acting like Chloe didn’t matter just because she was human, I saw red.
In the next moment, Zack was clutching his head, the smell of burnt flesh in the air.
“What was that?” The Commander blinked and removed the hand that Zack had been holding.
A great boom of laughter filled the air when The Commander read what was on Zack’s forehead.
Fucking ass-hat.