CHAPTER 18 – Sarah
“That was fucking awesome! Do it again!”
Kat’s eyes twinkled and then shifted into a creature that looked something like a monkey and swings across the room. Once she shifted back she laughed at the look on my face. “You are funny, Human Girl.”
I beamed at her, “Ha!” And then louder I yelled out so that Axel could hear me from the other room, “I told you I was funny!”
Axel’s voice rang back loud and clear. “Don’t encourage her, Kat.”
Kat laughed. “Your life mate is funny, too.”
I had been about to say something witty when her words stopped me.
“Life mate, what is that?” I asked her.
“The person you choose to live with, grow a family with.” She gave me a curious look, “He is your life mate, isn’t he?”
“Umm,” I didn’t know how to answer that. I liked him, maybe even loved him a little, sometimes.
Kat placed a hand on my arm, “Is this what they would call, complicated?”
I smiled at her. “You are smart, you know that?”
She nodded. “Of course, I am. Listen, Sarah, do you think that they will be able to find who is poisoning my mother?”
It was hard to remember that she was only a child, barely fifteen years old. I could hardly imagine what she was going through.
“I know that the only person in this whole galaxy I would trust is Axel. He might be a pain in the ass.”
Kat giggled, and I rolled my eyes playfully.
“But he is a good man and a kick-ass warrior.”
“He said the same about you,” she said before moving to the banquet table to get a drink.
I sat up straight, “He said I was a kick-ass warrior?”
She turned and smirked. “Well, he didn’t say you were a good man.”
I snorted. “I think I am rubbing off on you.”
She looked slightly horrified and I laughed.
“No, it’s an expression that means you are picking up some of my bad habits.”
Kat broke out into a wide grin, and then in my exact voice she called out, “Fucking hell, Axel, get your hands off my ass.”
“I’m not even touching your ass, Woman!”
Axel walked into the room scowling and Kat and I dissolved into laughter.
“What?” he asked in confusion.
I shook my head and made my way over to him. When I was close enough I placed my hands on his firm chest and saw the flare of desire light in his eyes.
“What if I want your hands on my ass?” I said the words so softly that he had to lean forward to hear them.
With a jerk of his head, he turned to Kat, “We need to have a special conference.”