CHAPTER 16 – Sarah
“You should make t-shirtsthat say ‘Seronians Suck!’ I am telling you, there is a fortune to be made here, Axel.”
He squinted at me, “That doesn’t even make sense, they don’t have any mouths.”
I rolled my eyes, “Not the point, it means they are crappy, stupid, and you know, not cool. What do you mean they don’t have mouths? How do they talk?”
“Shapeshifters, remember? They can add a mouth if they want too. And yes, they are cool, actually their planet is quite cold,” he tried to explain, but I cut him off.
“Not the point, they are stupid cock suckers that pretended to be Quokiot and intended on starting an intergalactic war.”
“While I hate to point out that they still don’t have mouths and therefore can’t be cock suckers, I will admit that they are lacking in intelligence if they truly believed that we couldn't figure out their plan. All the Quokiot that were killed transitioned back into their Seronian forms within twenty-four hours. Sergeant Brooms has been in contact with the authorities and the Quoki are horrified that someone tried to imitate them and attack a Zeronian spacecraft.”
“Has anyone been able to reach the Serons?”
I slouched further down in my chair that was located next to Axel’s. We were in one of the largest Omega conference rooms, having just sat through a war meeting. One in which I fell asleep about ten minutes in, and now I neededAxel to fill me in on what I missed.
He shook his head. “There is no communication in or out of the planet Seron.”
“So, we blast over there and what, blow them up like the death star?”
Axel raised a brow. “No, Hans Solo, we do nothing of the sort. We were sent to help keep the peace in the Omega Quadrant.”
I made snoring noises, “This is the snooze fest, Axel; we should get in where the action is.”
“You are insane, you know that, right?” But I noticed that as he said it, there wasn’t any heat behind the words.
I laughed, “I have it on high authority that all the best people are.”
“Oh yeah? Who said that?” He scoffed.
“Lewis Carroll.”
Axel frowned, “Who in the hell is that?”
“Famous author—don’t worry your pretty head about it.”
“I still don’t get your attraction to books, except the porn ones. Those are alright.” He winked at me and I laughed out loud.
“They aren’t porn books! They are erotic romances, it’s totally different!”
“Cocks and pussies, that equals porn, Sarah. I hate to break it to you.”
“This isn’t the point,” I insisted, not able to wipe the smile off my face.
“Hey, what are you two arguing about?” Maria came into the conference room. Her arm was still bandaged from where she had been injured during the battle. Honestly, I had worried that she might not make it. I am still blown away by the medical units they have out here in space.
“Porn,” Axel replied just as I smacked him up the side of the head.
“We were talking about going to Seron and kicking ass.”
“No,” Axel corrected, “You were talking about that. I was reminding you that our responsibility was to stay here and help keep the peace.”
Maria made a face. “It seems strange that they are having us stay here. There hasn’t been any of the unrest that I had imagined. Was it Sergeant Broom that called it in or someone else?”
Axel looked a little uneasy. “I am not sure, you should ask Zack.”
And suddenly I wondered if there was more to this mission than he was letting on. They had mentioned something when we were making the emergency landing in Queen Neopia’s fucked up world. But I couldn’t quite remember what they had said.