“You said that I changed you,” I struggled to find the words that I wanted to share with him. “But I think that both of us were lost and drifting. We are better together, more than what we could have ever been apart.”
LIFE HAS A FUNNY WAYof working itself out. The Intergalactic Council took over Volton until lineage could be traced to the next living relative. Strangely enough that just happened to be Rafe, the man who had his fortune returned to him.
Having been a warrior, Rafe was up to the challenge and it was a short three months later that he was crowned the new king of Volton.
Sarah was going stark raving mad having been asked to remain on Zeron while she was being monitored. Her pregnancy was progressing normally, and she was finally given the okay to travel again. Axel and Sarah made plans to visit their friends on Seron and invited Zack and me along.
I was learning how to create a new family. I could never have imagined the things that I have with my life mate. Rylee and Heath are officially dating. Zack is doing surprisingly well with it; The Head Commander is not.
We have news that another human is in transport to Volton, being a perfect match for Rafe. The citizens of that planet are in outrage. They swear they will not be ruled by a human outsider. It would seem that Rafe and his imprinted pair will have their work cut out for them.
I can’t help but wonder what she will be like. What the circumstances were that brought her here. I hope that she has an easier time of it than I did, but then again, there isn’t anything that I would change.
“What are you thinking about?” Zack grins and wraps an arm around my waist.
“The new girl,” I sink into his embrace. “I can’t help but wonder if she will be as lucky as we were.”
Zack kisses me softly, a growl in his voice when he replies, “I hope that Rafe does a better job than I did. I still don’t know how you could have possibly forgiven me.”
I rub myself closer feeling his length hardening against my belly, “Perhaps you had better show me once more how sorry you really are.”
He swears under his breath and then suddenly I am lifted into the air and he is trudging back to our room.
“Again?” Rylee muttered as we left.
“Always,” I reply, “always.”