Page 82 of Becoming Super

Betty smiled, “I could have, if Chloe hadn’t been here. She is a healer.”

The Head Commander turned to me and I felt awkward suddenly. I didn’t know why I could do the things that I had done, nor did I know if it would last.

“How can I repay you?” he said as he wrapped Betty in his arms and yanked her close.

I shook my head, “It was nothing, probably a mistake or even a side effect or something. I don’t even know if it is here to stay or what.”

“It’s her SUPER power,” Zack said proudly.

I wanted him to shut up; what if it was just an effect from my transfer from earth into space? I didn’t want the attention and I certainly didn’t want the responsibility.

“Indeed,” The Head Commander gave me a nod, “We are most thankful to you, Chloe. How is the training going?”

I had learned that this was The Head Commander’s question every time he met with Zack and me. It was strange to me that they didn’t talk about father-son type things. Not that I knew much about that, but my relationship with my parents was always filled with laughter, stories, and spending time together.

It seemed that Zack and his dad were more co-workers than family members.

“Excellent, Sir. Chloe is a fast learner.”

It was the same answer that he gave every time no matter if I refused to train, which happened on occasion. Or if I spent the entire morning outsmarting his ass. Zack always answered the same way. He would say excellent like I had won the spelling bee. Then he would grin and say I was a fast learner.

Often this high praise was accompanied by a side-hug from Zack.

I have come to fucking hate the side hug. It’s just a damn tease. Everyone knew in high school that you were not allowed to hug teachers, after some boys turned in the science teacher for being too friendly. It was instated then, that side-hugs were the only hug allowed on school grounds.

Have you ever side-hugged anyone? It’s like a handshake but with your body. You can’t decide how close and half the time we smack hips or asses in the process. There is always a little boobage that gets caught in the side hug. Then you felt twisted and tangled.

I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I hated the side hug and Zack used it like it was going out of style. “She’s doing great!”

His hip dug into my side and I would have sworn he copped a feel. My nipples were on high alert.

‘Warning, nipple alert, warning. There is a red-blooded beefcake within twenty yards of me.’

I wanted to tell them to calm the fuck down, but I wasn’t sure that Zack could take it if I started to talk to myself.

There was only so much a man like him could take.

“We always have need of good healers,” the Head Commander was saying.

The older man from the med unit frowned at The Head Commander but was wise enough to keep his mouth shut.

“Savi,” The Head Commander stopped the med unit officer from leaving, “You will begin training Chloe on the last Sunday of the month. I expect impressive things from her.”

My stomach churned but it wasn't from anything I had eaten. The med unit officer scowled at me and so I returned his look with a blank expression.

“Savi,” The Head Commander continued, “You will make sure that Lady Chloe has everything that she needs, am I clear?”