CHAPTER 8 – Zack
You know when you area kid and you find out that your parents aren’t perfect or that the plastic thing in your nana’s nightstand really isn’t a sword but a well-used vibrator?
I want you to picture that moment in your mind. Do you feel all the goodness that has been trapped in your heart slowly start to ooze out, until all that is left is an older and wiser shell of a body?
You get what I am talking about, right?
Let me put this in perspective. I remember seeing something about how much the humans loved that fat voyeur in the red suit that comes around and spies on all the kids, drinks their milk, and eats their cookies. He is supposed to bring you gifts and joy.
Well, remember how you felt when you found out that the fat guy was really your parents and that all the magic was just a load of shit?
Everything I had ever been told about humans was a lie.
I am not joking. It is commonly believed that humans are a spoiled, weaker race that will die out sooner rather than later.
Now, before I lose you, let me preface with, that was how I used to feel.
I hadn’t met a real human until Sarah, and she was the very devil. However, I was starting to rethink the whole notion that they were weaker. Sarah is fierce. Weak is not an adjective that I would use to describe her.
Chloe wasn’t feisty like Sarah. But she was every bit as strong.
The things that have happened in her life. They are just unfathomable.
Rylee said that her parents died unexpectedly, and she ended up homeless on the streets. I pictured camping out under the stars, not drug addicts chasing her with broken bottles.
And that word... CANCER. Yeah, I looked it up, it’s horrible. The cells just keep growing and growing and take over your entire body. She lived like that homeless? What in the fuck was wrong with these humans?
Compared to Zeronian women, Chloe is small. But compared to Sarah she is a bit curvier. I try not to notice, I really do, but she has this ass that has my dick on alert. I think about it day and night. Before you say that I am being pervy, because yeah, I know it’s pervy, but you haven’t seen it, holy hell the woman is sex on a stick.
I would be all over her if she didn’t seem so, fragile. It’s weird because she is tough as nails, but in the same breath, she is withdrawn and almost hollow.
I want to help her.
Okay, stop laughing, I am not that big of a douche bag.
Oh, you are still laughing? That’s fucking mean.
And possibly deserved. Look, I know that I didn’t treat her right. I was a total idiot and I fucked up everything from the moment she arrived. But a man deserves a second chance, doesn’t he?
Shit, I hated the sadness that seemed to always be there, just below the surface. It was like her body healed, but her insides were still the girl living on the streets and dying of cancer.
She hardly ever laughs, and when she does it’s usually at me, because I have made some dick move or another. I don’t even try to be macho or cool around her because I love the sound of her laughter. It’s fleeting and rare, but beautiful.
Not that I tell her that. Any positive attention that you shower on her is quickly turned away. Chloe doesn’t want connections, she doesn’t want entanglements, and she sure as shit doesn’t want an imprinted mate.
So where does that leave me?
I can’t just let her go, she could die, hell I could die. If everything wasn’t such a fucking mess all of the time. I groaned and rolled over on my bed. The light was just starting to appear under my window shades indicating that morning was coming.
I don’t think I slept a wink all night.
My dad has been breathing down my neck at every turn. He keeps asking how she is doing and what am I supposed to say?
Her fighting skills and self-preservation is top notch. But she is broken inside and it actually hurts me to see her like this. Hell, what kind of pussy have I turned into? Shit, soon I will be following her around and licking her shoes just like Axel does with Sarah.
No, it wouldn’t be like Axel and Sarah, because Chloe doesn’t want that kind of attention.
And then it dawned on me. I was going about all of this wrong. I had a resource in my best friend’s life mate. I needed to talk to Sarah or better yet, I needed Sarah to come and tell me how to fix Chloe.