Kat grinned, “I will be back in a few minutes.”
The second she was out the door, Axel had me whipped around and was kissing the ever-loving shit out of my mouth. I groaned and opened my mouth never wanting him to stop.
There was the sound of someone clearing their throat that finally tore us apart. The moment Axel raised his eyes, he paled and then stood at attention and saluted the older gentleman. He looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place where I knew him from.
“You must be the lovely Sarah,” he said, extending his hand. “I am The Head Commander Bryce Cole.”
“You’re Zack’s dad?” I asked, taking his hand and shaking it. I heard Axel’s groan and figured I should have gone with something fancier than Zack’s dad.
Commander Cole smiled, his grin very reminiscent of his son. “Yes, I am Zackary’s father.”
“Cool,” I nodded, and then when Axel pinched me I let out a slightly breathless, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“And Axel, it’s great to see you as always. Zack was telling me about a little trouble you had along with the trip through the black hole. I must say I am surprised Queen Neopia let you go so easily.”
I turned wide eyes on Axel; was he going to lie to The Head Commander? We both knew that the human girl was the only reason we were let go. The same human girl that was supposed to have been imprinted with his son.
Axel tugged on the neck of his uniform. “Highly unusual, Sir.”
I waited for him to elaborate and in truth, it looked like Axel might, but at the last moment, he offered The Commander some refreshment. It was a good way to try and throw the conversation in another direction. But I had a feeling that The Commander wouldn’t be as chipper about letting it all go.
Zack came running in. “Dad! When did you arrive?”
The two men embraced and Axel visibly relaxed.
When Zack and his father broke apart The Commander smiled at his son. “I was just discussing with Axel and Sarah how odd it was that Queen Neopia allowed your entire ship to leave without any type of controversy. It’s odd, don’t you think, son?”
Zack turned and glared at me.
“I didn’t say anything.” It was out of my lips before I could even think.
Zack’s eyes bugged out and he looked ready to throttle me.
“Son is there something you want to talk about?”
Zack slowly turned to his father.
The men, so much alike in appearance, seemed to be taking in the other’s body language. It was something like an old wild west shootout. I literally felt like I should have been snacking on popcorn watching the events unfold.
Finally, Zack cursed. “Fuck it, you know, don’t you?”
The Commander’s heavy brow rose. “That you traded your imprinted pair to the Queen of Junk?”
“Damn it to hell, who told you?”
The Commander pulled out a missive. “I received an offer to buy back something that I was told would be crucial for my son.”
Zack opened the note and read the words. A moment later he crushed the paper in his hand.
“Do you have her?”
“Chloe? As a matter of fact, I do.” The Commander answered calmly as if they were talking about the morning paper and not a person.
“Where is she?” Zack glanced about.
“Back on Zeron with your mother and sister.” The Commander’s tone hardened. “Were you going to tell me?”
I will give it to Zack, at least he owned up when he fucked up.