Page 56 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 22 – Sarah

“I am fucking awesome!” I raised my hand for a high five and Axel looked at it before grabbing my wrist and dragging it back down to my side.

“That is impossible,” Zack was still talking. “I have never seen anything like that before.”

I turned to Zack, “Where did you hear the word ‘dude’?”

He flushed. “I have been brushing up on my earth knowledge. So, I know all the hep things to say to my bae.”

“Wow,” Axel snorted with laughter, “I don’t think I have ever seen Sarah speechless before. This is a momentous occasion.”

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

“Cat got your tongue?” Zack continued. “Don’t be bugg’n on me, Sarah.”

There are few moments in your life when you need someone to do a reality check just to make sure that you are still in your right mind. I mean this easily could be a dream if Maroon 5 walked in wearing bikinis or maybe if we all joined in to perform a crosswalk musical. I honestly think these two scenarios would have been easier to swallow than Zack’s new lingo.

“Where did you get your information?” I choked out.

Zack shrugged. “Here and there, do you want to know what my favorite one is?”

I shook my head, “Absolutely not.”

“Pick up your face!” he beamed, “Or Fart-Knocker, that is a good one too.”

Axel snorted. “That’s not half bad.”

“No,” I said emphatically, “It’s all bad. One hundred million billion percent bad. That slang is dreadfully out of date.”

“As if,” Zack rolled his eyes and for a moment I wondered if he had been watching Clueless for research.

“Zack, you won’t impress her with this shit.”

He frowned, “I wasn’t trying to impress, Her.”

“If not, Her, then who? Surely not me?”

He scoffed, “I don’t give a witch’s tit about you.”

Axel’s lips quirked, so I elbowed him hard in the stomach.

“Do whatever you want, Zack, but just remember, I warned you against it.”

He grumbled something about know-it-all’s but thankfully he didn’t say anything worse like he needed to bounce.

“You love to bust his balls,” Axel grumbled against my neck as he pulled me against him.

“I am doing him a favor. He sounds like a bad 90’s movie.”

Axel bit down on the soft part of my ear and then started kissing my neck. My head lolled to the side to give him better access. I loved it when Axel touched me, kissed me, fucked me. I could feel his length hardening and I had to admit that I was just as turned on as he was.

Unfortunately, that was when Kat chose to come back into the room. I went to move away from Axel and he hauled me back against his chest. I turned to yell at him but in the process, he pushed his erection against my ass and it became clear why I needed to stand in this very particular spot.

“Are you able to come with us?” I asked in a cheerful tone.

Kat nodded. “Mother didn’t like it, but after I complained about being stuck inside for days at a time with nobody to keep me company she finally relented.”

I smiled, “Well, I for one am glad. Why don’t you put on something that you don’t mind getting dirty in, since we are going into the caverns to check water supply this afternoon.”