“Look, Thor, what is going on?”
It would have sounded more impressive if I wasn’t as weak as a three-day-old kitten. But my eyes were fierce, at least that’s what I told myself.
“Our Elder was trying to tell you, Human. Perhaps you should listen to him.”
I looked back at the older man and he was holding a glass of what I hoped to be water. He suddenly looked a whole lot less crazy. Tipping the cup to my lips I drank down the sweetest most refreshing water I had ever tasted. Of course, I choked by trying to take too much and ended up coughing like a maniac, but it had been worth it.
The large man was looking at me like I was something the cat dragged in, something dead.
“You are certain that this, Human, has the gene?”
I frowned, “What gene? My blood is O-positive, and my pointer finger is shorter than my middle one?”
The Elder’s snort sounded suspiciously like a laugh.
He-man glared at me. “Are you making jokes? You aren’t funny.”
I was damn funny, not that it was any of his business or that I had cracked any jokes. But I sure as shit was hilarious when I wanted to be.
“Just tell me what is going on,” I gritted out.
Von stepped forward. “The things that I am about to discuss with you are highly sensitive, and of great importance to The Intergalactic Council.”
I smirked, “Are you for real? Is Captain Kirk flying the ship or are you going to beam me up?”
“The human is clearly delusional, put it back. I will wait for another partner.”
Another partner? “Are you talking about me? Because I am not the one that is talking crazy and acting like he has a giant stick up his ass. By all means, put me back! Whatever the hell that means!”
Von sighed, “We couldn’t put you back if we wanted to. Sarah how are you feeling?”
For the first time, I realized that I had never given these men my name. Fear raced through my body, outweighing the headache and stiffness.
“Where am I?” I repeated, but the badass that usually resided in me was hiding somewhere. And in her place was a scared young woman that was in deep, deep shit.
Von turned to the moose of a man and sighed, “She needs you.”
He visibly flinched, and it made me feel about as awesome as a piece of shit.
“I don’t need him,” I spat.
I wasn’t sure what I needed, but it wasn’t the handsome man that continued to glare at me. I needed to go home. I wanted to know where I was. But most of all, I was terrified that maybe, just maybe, they might be right.
The monitor attached to my heart rate began to escalate as the pounding in my head increased.
“The last thing we need is for you to waste this opportunity,” Von sighed. “You need to imprint on the girl.”
I didn’t like the sound of that.
The Hulk stalked over to where I was lying on the bed and snatched my arm. The moment his fingers touched mine I felt a jolt of electricity race through my veins. My body sizzled with awareness as everything became sharper, richer.
Suddenly I could hear the whoosh of their breathing combined with the faint hum of electricity that was hooked up to the machines. I could see every line of Von’s weathered face. My mind automatically memorized every freckle and facial expression.
It was unlike any drug I had ever known. Whatever that man had done to me, threw me into another realm of existence. One I hadn’t known existed, and yet felt comfortable with.
I yanked my arm out of his grasp and was surprised when I easily broke away.
Von was grinning and the beast stumbled back from me, blinking in surprise.