Page 3 of Becoming Super

“What was that?”

It was Von who answered me. “You have imprinted with your partner, Axel, and activated the recessive gene that you weren’t aware you carried.”

“What gene?”

Von shrugged, “We call it Z13, but we have no idea what your super power will be. Only that you possess the ability to develop one.”

“It isn’t possible,” Axel rasped. “How can this tiny human fight by my side?”

I shrank back. “Fight? Nobody said anything about fighting. I am more of a pacifist, really.”

Von looked worried. “When two halves are apart they are unable to tap into their highest potential. Sarah, Axel is your other half. Now that you have imprinted you will be trained as a warrior for The Intergalactic Council.”

“Are you shitting me?” Something was caught in my throat, I think it might have been my heart.

Axel scoffed, “Nothing as weak as this human could possibly be my other half.”

I turned hate-filled eyes on him, wanting to shut the idiot up for once. He had been on my ass since I had opened my eyes. I didn’t ask to come here, and I sure as hell didn’t ask to be paired up with Satan.

Axel jerked back. I lost my focus and smelled something foul in the air.

He moved his hand and at the base of his throat was an angry red mark, “You fucking burned me?”

His eyes were wild and accusatory as the smell of his burning flesh twisted my stomach.

Had I done that?

Von beamed. “It would seem, Sarah, that your superpowers are manifesting already!”