Page 13 of Becoming Super

“What now?” I managed, trying to change the subject.

“Von will come back in a few minutes to ensure that you are alright, then we can go back to our pod. If all goes well, we can resume training tomorrow.”

Training, ugh.

“Why were you angry at Loraine?”

His question startled me.

“She’s a bitch,” I said without thinking.

Axel was quiet for a minute, “How can you tell that when you only spent a few seconds talking to her?”

“She’s a total mean girl. She pretended she didn’t know my name and then when you showed up she was all kissy nice face. And the way she rubbed it in that you had slept with her, that was too much!”

Axel pulled back, so I could see his face. “What are you talking about?”

I rolled my eyes. “It was obvious she was staking her claim.”

He was quiet for a moment, just looking at me. I started to fidget. Thankfully, Von came in and Axel disentangled himself from me.

“How does she look?” Axel was impatient as Von went over my vitals.

The elderly man smiled at me, “Right as rain; you might be tired the rest of the day, but your body will continue to heal especially if your imprinted pair is touching you. By tomorrow you will be up and go about your usual business.”

I nodded my appreciation and sat up, the room spun a little and Axel frowned. The next thing I knew I was in his arms and he was carrying me out of the health unit. I buried my face in his broad chest, not wanting to see the curious eyes staring at us as he trod toward our sleeping chambers.

The moment we were inside I begged him for a chance to take a bath.

He frowned. “Not without me you aren’t.”