Page 14 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 5 – Axel


The human had convinced me that she would be able to bathe on her own. I knew I shouldn’t have listened.

“Sarah?” I said more firmly this time as I listened intently at the door.

Nothing, there was still no answer and I was going in. Thankfully it wasn’t locked, I slid the door open and there she was, asleep in the warm water. All perfectly perky tits and rocking body with her hair floating out around her in waves.

Obviously, the woman was intent on being naked in front of me. I don’t know if she was deliberately trying to seduce me or if she just had trouble with keeping her clothes on.

Either way? It was working like a charm.

Swallowing hard I moved forward and scooped her body out of the water. She barely stirred.


“It’s not Thor,” I said gruffly as I lifted her for the dryers to commence their work.

Instead of lying flat she curled into my chest, needing that connection of our skin. I decided that the dryer was pointless and carried her out of the bathroom.

Ignoring my dick, I took her into my sleeping chambers. I had a bigger bed and since I needed to be in contact with her I might as well be comfortable. As comfortable as one can get with a raging hard-on. I couldn’t even rub one out because I wasn’t supposed to be out of her sight.

The moment I set her on the bed, I quickly turned around the looked for a tunic I could slip over her head. Thankfully my shirts looked like a dress on her, so I could finally look at her face. Dark circles still lined her eyes and her cheekbones looked more pronounced. I knew she was a huge fan of the food here. Sarah was small enough though and didn’t have room to lose weight.

I stripped off my wet shirt and pants, leaving my undergarment in place, and climbed into the bed beside her. Again, she cuddled up right against my chest, her hands seeking my neck and pulling me in tight.

I tried not to let the connection overtake me. This little human was occupying all my thoughts. Instead of irritation that I had felt when she first arrived, I had been terrified that she wouldn’t pull through. One could argue that if she died I would too, and that was my incentive to wish her well.

However, I knew in my heart of hearts that if I could have taken the pain for her I would have. I would die for this small human, and that isn’t something I ever thought I would contemplate.

“Axel,” she murmured.

I fought the urge not to kiss her forehead. We weren’t mates, only imprinted pairs.

“Yes,” I answered in a rumbly tone.

“You’re all stiff.”

If possible, I hardened further. Was she referring to my cock?

“Pardon me?”

Her small fingers kneaded the tight muscles in my neck. “I can’t rest when I know you are so keyed up. Want to talk about it?”

Did I want to talk about the fact that I desperately needed to jerk off? Because her slim athletic body had become the most appealing thing I had ever beheld in my life. And I had beheld it more times than any sane man should have to.

“It’s nothing,” I grumbled.

Her massage continued, and she moved to the tops of my shoulders. I couldn’t help the tiny groan that escaped.

“What is the real issue? We are adults here, you can talk to me.”

They say on earth that the truth will set you free. I am here to tell you it will set you on fire, literally.

“I am so sorry, Axel! You just surprised me.”

I winced as the burn in my forehead stung like a bitch. “What did you write?”