As if the pounding in my head wasn’t bad enough, my roommate must have left her alarm clock on again. I tried to open my eyes, but they felt as if they weighed a thousand pounds. Shit, just how much had I drunk last night?
Vague recollections of meeting my friends over at O’Shea’s drifted through my mind. That new bartender, Tad, Toby, no Tim—maybe? Whoever he was, the man had been plying me with rum and coke all night. I knew that he just wanted in my pants, but I wanted the free booze, so in the end, I figured we would both be happy.
I don’t remember if Toby got his fondest wish, or maybe it had been Tad. Honestly, it didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered at the moment, was that fucking alarm that refused to stop going off.
I opened my mouth to scream at Annie and choked on the tube that was running down my throat.
“Healer! One of the transports is awakening!”
What the actual fuck?
I pried my eyes open to see that I was hooked up to a bunch of strange looking machines. The beeping, that I had so lovingly attributed to Annie, was some type of heart monitor. A tall handsome man hurried into the room.
His eyes are the color of grass and he was taller than any man I had ever seen before. His lips were moving but the language coming from his lips wasn’t anything I had ever heard before.
An older man walked up to the massive one and gestured to the gadget that was hanging around his neck. The big man rolled his eyes but took one of his massive paws and adjusted the dial and spoke again.
“Human,” it was one word, and yet in that one word, there was enough to tell me that we weren’t in Kansas anymore.
And just to be clear, I am from Minnesota, not Kansas.
I yanked at the tube in my throat and immediately regretted it when I ripped it out and felt raw fire taking its place.
“Fucking hell,” I rasped.
The older man took a step back in surprise, but the handsome beast just scowled at me.
“Your language is not that of a lady.”
“Where in the fucking hell am I?” I squawked, desperately needing a drink or something to soothe my throat.
The older man stepped forward. “I am Von, one of the Elders, and you are on the planet Zeron.”
I blinked at the older man before glancing at the big one.
“Is he for real?”
The handsome fucker smirked, “She thinks you are not corporeal, Von.”
I had a feeling that the big guy and I weren’t meant to be bosom buddies.