There had been a few moments in Nick’s life that time actually stood still. When he walked in on his father fucking his press secretary that had been one of them. It was the train wreck that you just couldn’t look away from. The sight that made you think you were dreaming or perhaps hallucinating.
Such jaw-dropping moments didn’t always have to be of the horrible variety. There was the time that he took a first in all of his classes. He literally couldn’t believe what the words were saying in the letter. It didn’t seem possible, and yet there it was.
Moments such as these freeze into your brain and no matter where life takes you or what comes along you will always be able to recall these times with clarity.
When Lia poked her head into the ballroom with the shy hopeful smile and looking like sin—everything stopped.
Okay, nothing stopped for the majority of the occupants. However, for Nick, it was as if time had frozen and she was the only thing left out of the spell. Her body was on full display in an evening gown that was meant to seduce and entice.
Her long auburn hair was left free and flowing down her back in soft waves. Nick wanted to wrap it around his fist, while he was kissing her and more.
The gentle curve of her hips and generous expanse of her breasts had him rock hard and thankful for the tuxedo jacket that he hadn’t removed. Benedict was saying something to him, but Nick couldn’t hear him.
The curve of her neck had him itching to place tender kisses, he wanted to lick the hollow at the bottom of her throat. And those tits, he needed to taste them as badly as he had needed anything in this world.
As if she sensed his gaze Lia’s eyes locked on his. Her lips parted in a soft smile that went straight to Nick’s gut. How had he worked next to this woman day in and day out without going completely out of his mind?
He knew that his feelings were getting into deep water. She was smart and funny, kind and loving, as well as sassy and determined. There was just so many things to like about her. He took a step forward before he knew what he was doing. And then as if his feet had their own agenda he walked away from Benedict midsentence and beelined for Lia.
The closer he got the more his heart pounded. Her eyes widened but she didn’t move away, in fact, Nick was pleased to notice that her eyes shone with something that looked a lot like desire.
He reached her and took her hand, slowly bowing over it. But instead of kissing her glove, he flipped her wrist so that when he kissed her his lips met with the bare skin near the button. A shiver ran through Lia, and Nick felt a surge of lust knowing that he was the one affecting her.
“You look beautiful, as always.”
Was that really his voice? Nick wasn’t sure that he had ever sounded so gravelly in his life.
“Thank you,” her voice was soft and hesitant, “You are looking very handsome.”
“Would you care to dance?”
The question was out before Nick even realized he had asked it. He didn’t even think about the implications of dancing with her. Benedict didn’t cross his mind, neither did the hoard of students that were present. His only thought was that he needed Lia in his arms.
He swept her into a tight embrace, his heart threatening to escape its cage. Her scent enveloped him, the blood orange and tangy sweet tones had him wanting to devourer her. He pulled her even closer until his body was flush against her own.
Just as he was lowering his head for a kiss it happened.
Benedict wrenched Nick away from his sister and planted a right hook directly into his jaw. Suddenly everything returned to him. The academy, the students, they were on a fucking field trip for hell’s sake and he was trying to ravish another teacher. His co-teacher! She would be ruined.
Nick blinked and saw the lights from many of the student’s cameras as they filled the entire debacle undoubtedly upstreaming as it went along. Lia was screeching about something, but Nick couldn’t seem to clear his head. It might have been because Benedict hadn’t stopped hitting him.
“He’s not fighting back, Benedict! Stop you hurting him!”
Nick winced for the poor bloke that was being taken down by Benedict. The man loved fighting as a hobby. A little unconventional as a prince, but then they all had their vices.
It wasn’t until red started to cover his eyes that he clued in the man getting beaten was himself.
Benedict was lying on the floor next to him looking like he wanted to go for round two. The staff of Everette Academy was ushering the students out of the ballroom to heaven knew where. And the three of them looked very much like they had been brawling.
“My fucking sister, Nick? You fucking bastard! How could you?”
As Benedict berated Nick he stayed silent. It wasn’t as if anything his friend was saying wasn’t true. He was a bastard. Friends didn’t prey on little sisters, everyone knew that. And yet here they were.
Lia was crying, and Nick didn’t like that.
“I’m sorry,” it was the first thing that came to mind and yet when he spoke the words seemed wholly inadequate.