Benedict scoffed, “Who are you even apologizing too?”
Nick lifted his head and tried to focus, “Everyone.”
“Why? I fucking want to know why?”
Nick sighed, “I didn’t mean to. I tried to stay away, told myself that she was off limits.”
Lia sat up at that, “What? Why?”
“Friends don’t fuck friend’s sisters,” Benedict groundout.
“We weren’t fucking,” Lia glared at her brother. “We were dancing. And even if we were, how is that any business of yours? Melina and I used to play together when we were younger. Are you saying you never fucked her?”
Benedict winced, “I don’t like it when you use that word.”
“What word? Fuck? Because you have been throwing it around like it’s candy. And for your information brother of mine. You are a fucking hypocrite. What is good for me doesn’t apply to you? Nice, really nice.”
Lia got to her feet, “Well, gentleman, I just want to say thank you for the worst night of my life. I had thought this kind of shit was behind me, but I guess not.”
Her nude pumps left behind, Lia walked out of the ballroom dejected and fighting back a fresh wave of tears.
“I really hate you right now,” Benedict muttered.
Nick would have laughed if he didn’t feel so terrible.
“I hate myself enough for the both of us.”
“You really aren’t fucking her?” Benedict had to ask.
Nick shook his head, “No, we kissed once, but I thought I had her firmly stashed in the friend zone. I don’t know what happened tonight. I just was drawn to her. I am sorry, Benedict, I really am. I guess the charade is over. You won the car.”
“I don’t give a flying fuck about the car! What happens to Lia when all of those videos go viral? The press is going to know who you are.”
Nick gulped, he hadn’t wanted to get married it wasn’t even in his ten-year plan. But he wouldn’t make her face this alone, he couldn’t.
“I will offer for her, of course.”
“You damn well will!” Benedict huffed, “You can begin by calling my father tonight. You have no idea what a giant ass he can be. I have no doubt that the minute he catches wind of this Lia will be back at the castle and engaged to someone twice her age. I won’t have that for her. She doesn’t deserve it.”
Lia deserved to be loved. Nick just wished that he was the man to do it. He had strong feelings for her, but love, that was something he didn’t do. It was like a foreign language that one never really quite picks up.
“Get him on the phone,” Nick said curtly.
The conversation with the king of Hazenbak was short and to the point. The yelling and cursing ended the moment that Nick informed his majesty that he would be marrying Princess Amelia as soon as possible. Arrangements were made for staff from the Royal Academy to drive down that night to take charge of the students.
Lia, Nick, and Benedict would be flying directly back to the castle the next morning via the royal plane.
“I guess I can’t hate you,” Benedict grumbled, “if you are going to be my brother in law.”
Brother-in-law, Nick could hardly fathom where life would take them next.