Page 25 of Royal Academy


“Everette Academy is four hours by bus, once we have arrived you will have about an hour to get the rooms sorted out and change for dinner. After the meal, the ball will begin immediately and end promptly at midnight.”

There were a few groans from the back of the class.

“Didn’t know I was Cinderella,” Franklin snorted.

Nick smiled, “You are a rather unusual candidate for Cinderella. Now, wicked step-sister, well, that I could see.”

Instead of being offended Franklin laughed, “It’s better than being a pumpkin.”

Lia shook her head, once again astounded by the easy way Nick had the kids eating out of his hand.

Victoria raised her brow, “Don’t you want to be Prince Charming?”

Franklin made a face, “That tosser? He dances with a chick all night and can’t remember her the next day.”

Lia’s lips twitched, he did have a point.

Nick raised a hand to gain order.

Lia lifted the forms in her hand, “We will be passing out the list of what to bring and what things are off limits. Please be sensible, if something isn’t on here that is needed you may bring it. Also, just because the list doesn’t exclude something that would obviously be bad doesn’t give you permission either.”

“No grenades, Princess A?” Franklin smirked.

Lia included her head, “Precisely.”

Some of the fourth years had begun to call her Princess A and Lia was flattered that they were actually opening up to her. The beginning of the year was such a fiasco that she had dreaded all of the months she was forced to stay.

As the weeks rolled by, Lia had begun to slip into an easy comradery with Nick. Sure, that one amazing life-altering kiss was never far from her mind. But it had been ages since Nick had disposed of Hank’s dead mouse.

Rachel and Craig had teased Lia much like younger siblings might do. When they accused her of having a man in the room she had retorted that they were collaborating for the next day's lessons. She might have looked more convincing if her cheeks hadn’t heated so profusely.

Still, Lia insisted that they were merely colleagues—barely friends.

In truth, she had rather enjoyed their crazy situation. The more that she had gotten to know Nick, the more she liked him. It was the secret smiles when he was amused at something a student had said or the way he rolled his eyes when the Dean was pontificating that really melted her heart.

However, despite the fun flirty Nick that had made out with her and crawled under her bed she now seemed to be shoved into the friend zone. It was almost like she was his sister.

Lia had never been a femme fatale, hell she was a virgin.

However, Lia knew that this ball was her chance to change all of that. She had specially ordered a new gown under Rachel and Craig’s approving eye. She and Nick would be spending a tremendous amount of time together chaperoning all twenty fourth-years to Everette Academy and back. Surely they could find one moment to lock lips again.

Or maybe even… more?

There was a brisk knock on the door and Dr. Fuzzenbomb entered with a tall muscular man with messy auburn locks and a devastating grin on his face.

“Benny?” Lia breathed with excitement before flying across the room and jumping into her older brother’s arms.

The students immediately stood and bowed showing their respect for the future king of Hazenbak.

“Please be seated. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Nick grinned at his best friend, “You are always welcome.”

Benedict smiled back at him, “You look rather at home Nick ole boy. Maybe you missed your calling?”

Lia frowned in confusion and Nick scowled at Benedict. Dr. Fuzzenbomb went on as cluelessly as always.