“We will be meeting in front of the school to board the busses in two hours. If for any reason you are not there at departure time you will not be going on the trip.”
The students nodded at Dr. Fuzzenbomb’s statement and then dismissed to resume packing. Almost all of the girls had been packed for weeks so for them it was merely time to waste until their new adventure could begin.
Benedict still had an arm thrown carelessly around Lia’s shoulders. The difference in height was astounding, but in their facial features, one could see that they were indeed family.
“So, Stinky, did I surprise you?”
Lia made a face, “Why did you have to come today? We are leaving in a few hours and I won’t have any time to spend with you.”
The Dean puffed up his chest, “His royal highness, will be coming along with you Princess Amelia as a third chaperone.”
Inwardly Lia groaned, there would be no master seduction with her brother in tow. But outwardly she smiled and squeezed his waist.
“I missed you, Benny. I’m glad you are here. I’ve got to finish up a few last-minute things. Do you want to come along?”
Benedict shook his head, “I will just hang out with Nick until you are ready.”
Lia smiled and with a final hug started back to her room with the Dean leaving close behind her.
“How are things?” Benedict asked grabbing a chair and flipping it around.
Nick didn’t seem as happy to see his old friend as Benedict would have thought. In fact, he was almost irritated in a way.
Nick cleared his throat and busied himself with some papers, “Good, I have kept Lia out of trouble just like you asked and therefore will be winning this bet.”
Benedict rolled his eyes, “Only time will tell.”
“What is new with you?” Nick questioned, “How is Melinda?”
A shadow fell across Benedict’s face.
“Fine, I suppose, I haven’t seen in her a while.”
Nick grabbed a chair and sat across from his friend, “You were practically engaged to the woman. How is it possible that you haven’t seen her in a while?”
The muscle in Benedict’s jaw twitched, “I don’t know, Nick. I’m just not feeling it. I know that we have known each other forever and have been off and on most of our lives. But I don’t love her, and I am almost positive she doesn’t love me.”
Nick blew out a breath, “How does one know they are in love anyway?”
“How the hell should I know?” Benedict scoffed. “But I sure as shit think that you would want to spend time with them. You would think about them when you were apart. Maybe even see a future together, at least I would hope so.”
“And you don’t see that with Melinda?” Nick asked cautiously.
Benedict made a face, “We are perfectly content being apart. I know that you don’t have to live in each other’s pockets. But what does it say about us that a month can go by and we don’t even call each other?”
“Have you talked to her about it?”
Benedict nodded warily, “She accused me of leading her on. She said that she was born to be the queen of Hazenbak. Interestingly enough, not once did she say anything about me breaking her heart. It was all about shattering her future as the monarch of my country.”
Nick made a face, “I know you most likely don’t want to hear this, but I think you made the right decision, mate.”
“Is this the part where you tell me you never liked her anyway?”
Nick laughed, “I have nothing against Melinda. I know it’s never been hot and heavy between the two of you, but I figured that was what you wanted.”
Benedict grimaced, “I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with lukewarm sex. She would probably demand separate bedrooms. I don’t even know her that well, not really. We were just two people that have been thrust together and I went along with it thinking it was my duty.”