“I told Lia that I would be out as soon as I can get away. Just keep her happy and out of trouble until then.”
Nick rolled his eyes, “This might be the worst bet I have ever lost.”
Benedict laughed, “Including the one where you had to wear a dress and steak across the ladies locker room?”
Nick felt a smile tug at his lips, “One of the best, not going to lie.”
The friends exchanged a few more words and then ultimately the call ended. Nick knew that he could do anything for a year and it wasn’t even an entire year that he had to survive just nine months.
He wanted to know more about which teachers had given Lia grief. Nick knew that Sarah Peters had been teaching at that time. She was in her late forties and pretended to be much younger. Professor Peters had blatantly come on to her several times since Nick had arrived.
He shuddered at the thought of getting mixed up with that barracuda.
Make a resolve to delve into the matter further Nick had finally calmed down enough to go back to his room. It was now passed lights out for the students and the halls were empty save for a few of the janitorial staff.
Nick pushed his door open and begrudgingly went to his chest to dig out the allergy pills that he hated taking. If Princess Stubborn was going to insist on keeping the damn cat he was going to need to be armed.
Right before he turned off the light the image of that damn cat curling around Lia’s arm flashed into his mind. He couldn’t help the small smile that played on his lips as he remembered the surprise that first flashed across her face followed by tenderness. Lia might think that she doesn’t like cats, but that looks suggested otherwise.
Waking with the determination to try and get along with Benedict’s younger sister, Nick rushed to class. He had risen early to dress and eat while he went over the lessons that had been prepared for them. It took minutes for him to realize that Lia had been set up.
The lessons were so dull that he couldn’t read through it without going back to sleep. It didn’t give the students an excuse to be disrespectful, but Nick was starting to see why there was a problem.
Not only was the information out of date and more fitting for the eighteenth century. The suggestions for use in discipline were ridiculous and included such idiocy as Remember they are royalty and deserve the utmost respect.
While it was true that all of the students had royal blood flowing through their veins they were still guests in Lia’s country. The county that she just happened to be the only daughter of the king. The more Nick flipped through the pages the angrier he became.
Lia was instructed not to move the students around or even to change the layout of the classroom. There were some students that should not be allowed to sit together for their own good. With a sigh, he had gathered everything up and he was going to be late if he didn’t rush.
Students had already begun to fill the room. Several of them called out greetings which he exchanged kindly as he looked for Lia.
But she wasn’t in the room yet. He found that odd but decided that perhaps she was still mad at him from the night before. As the minutes crept closer to the starting time, Nick was beginning to get nervous. Should he have stopped and asked her to walk with him? Had she gotten angry enough to leave?
Sadly this didn’t make him as happy as the thought once would have. Nick was genuinely worried about her.
There was a clicking that sounded like boots approaching, pushing the door open was a woman with a cloud of gorgeous red hair falling in soft waves halfway down her back. Her black silk tank made her breasts look like liquid was covering them, and it was paired with dark skinny jeans and black ankle boots. A wild pattered jacket was tossed carelessly over her arm.
And she had on a chunky necklace and bracelet that matched the jacket. Her makeup was minimal but highlighted her incredible eyes. And the lip gloss made her plump lips look wet and inviting.
She smiled and Nick felt like he had sustained a blow to the chest.
“Lia?” he croaked.