Page 18 of Royal Academy


Lia looked up to see Nick standing at the front of the room with his jaw literally dropped to the floor. She then noticed that it was silent in the classroom. Since she had started at the Royal Academy she had never been able to control her class quite like this.

With a confident smile that she certainly didn’t feel, Lia continued to stride up to where Nick was standing. There was an appreciative murmur from the male members of the class when she walked by. Lia felt horrified and slightly giddy. Perhaps this was the nudge that she had needed after all.

“Professor Leham, how are you this fine morning?”

Nick blinked and then had to clear his throat before answering, “Excellent, thank you, Princess Amelia. And you?”

Lia grinned at him. She knew it was unprofessional, but Nick was still staring at her like he couldn’t quite believe that she was the same person that he knew.

“Excellent as well,” Lia responded politely, “We are happy to have you with us.”

Nick smiled softly, and she felt butterflies erupt in her belly, but then, just as quickly, he turned to the class.

“Right there you had a rather everyday example of manners and deportment. Who can tell me a little about what they saw?”

Asha raised her hand.

“Yes, Asha,” Nick encouraged.

“Princess Amelia greeted you with a smile. Her posture was straight, and she inquired after your health.”

Nick nodded, “Precisely, thank you, Asha.” Turning to the class he continued, “The golden rule as archaic as it may sound is the key to good manners. Politeness is more than just a social expression. You are showing your character, grace, and good breeding.”

Victoria raised her hand, before answering she flicked her hair over her shoulder and smirked, “I was always taught that honesty was the best policy. If I don’t like someone, why should I fake it?”

There were a few snickers among the students and Simone was grinning from ear to ear.

Nick waited until the class calmed before answering, “Kindness isn’t lying. If you don’t like a certain aspect of an individual then, by all means, don’t bring it up. But a true dignitary and leader knows that politeness is the language of the heart. Being ‘fake’ has nothing to do with a genuine courtesy. I would indeed wonder, Victoria, if you needed to evaluate your motives for not liking the individual.”

“Sounds like you are saying it’s a personal problem,” Franklin called out and Victoria cheeks heated with anger.

Nick shrugged, “There will always be those that we like and dislike. However, if you wish to help lead your countries you will find to put such petty selfishness behind you.”

Lia’s mouth was gaping. Nick looked over at her and winked. She snapped her jaw shut uncertain if the wink was for shutting down the Victoria problem or letting Lia know that she too has a personal problem—with him.

The rest of the day passed much like their first class. Nick never once referred to the lesson plan and they had more classroom participation in that one day then we had all year so far. He was quick to refer to Lia and didn’t take up all of the class time.

In fact, there were some lessons that he released the class early when they were finished instead of waiting for the bell. Lia resented his total lack of fear when it came to making decisions like this.

“What if we get in trouble?” she asked when the last student had walked out.

Nick laughed at her, actually laughed, “You are the princess of Hazenbak. Who is going to tell you what to do?”

Lia frowned, everyone, told her what to do. She pushed that thought away and continued, “Your freedom isn’t riding on this, mine is.”

He quirked a brow, “Do tell.”

Lia suddenly realized that she was about to let something very personal out. She was thankful that she had stopped herself. The last thing she needed was for Nick to hold something over her.

“It doesn’t matter,” she gathered her things, “I need to check on Hank anyway.”

Nick stiffened, “Who’s Hank?”

Lia straightened her shoulders, “My cat.”

He blew out a laugh, “They aren’t going to let you keep that thing. It most likely has fleas and who knows what other diseases.”