“What?” she replied innocently, “It’s my favorite color.”
Steele stamped his hoofs and shook his head. His eyes, bright with fury.
“Hold still,” El demanded, “I cannot mount you when you are having a tantrum!”
I don’t think Steele wanted to be mounted. In fact, I am confident that he wanted to mount her head to the nearest wall.
“Don’t be such a baby,” She crooned, “You don’t want me to use my magic again, do you?”
“Wait a minute! I thought your magic didn’t work on Steele?” I blurted out.
El’s grin widened, “When Cass healed me, she infused some of her magic into my body when she shared her lifeforce. That is where I got the ability to fly and, apparently, now my magic works on Steele. It is quite beneficial, don’t you think?”
Fern and Rain looked lost, but there was way too much to the story to go into with them.
Steele stomped stamping and prancing around. He couldn’t talk in this form, but his eyes spoke volumes.
“Are you going to allow me up now?” El walked to Steele and gently laid a hand on the flat of his long nose.
Steele’s head dipped once, giving her permission.
After kneeling, much as Scarecrow did, El climbed aboard as if she had been doing such things all our lives, which I knew full well that she hadn’t.
“Wait! El, Indy, don’t leave without us!”
And to my complete shock, Glinda appeared just past the edge of the cliff, held tight in Gregory’s arms. He flew her over to where we were standing, huge golden wings attached to his back.
It would appear that Gregory had eaten the golden pear from his garden.
“You can’t fly where we are going,” I quickly brought them up to speed.
“That is Scarecrow?” Glinda blurted out as she stared in horror at his unicorn form.
Scarecrow huffed impatiently, “We are wasting valuable time. El, do your magic on Gregory and let us be off.”
“What magic?” Gregory bristled, but it was too late to argue.
El had already magicked him into a large stallion.
“Pink?” my lips twitched.
“It’s my favorite color!” Glinda beamed.
El’s eyes twinkled, “Only the best for you, baby sister.”
Gregory and Steele had similar pissed off looks about them. I had no idea that horses could convey that much emotion.
Glinda fluttered over to him, “Gregory, you are the bravest prince!”
She kissed his mane and threw her arms around his neck.
I hoped to hell that I didn’t look that idiotic when I hugged Scarecrow. But somehow, I knew that I must have done.
“Enough,” Scarecrow boomed, “Let’s go!”
Glinda didn’t even need Gregory to kneel. She just grasped his mane and swung herself up like cowgirl Barbie. I fought rolling my eyes. We were going to need all the help we could get.
Even from my baby sister who wore too much glitter and rode a pink jackass—erm, horse.