“Your Majesty, you honor us with your visit. I am Fern, and this is Rain.”
Fern looked to be around middle aged, his beard was quite long, but he had kind eyes. Rain must have been his teenage daughter.
I smiled, “Thank you, Fern and Rain, we have much to discuss.”
Fern’s face wrinkled, “I beg your pardon, miss, but we were speaking to the royalty.”
El’s laugh sputtered out of her.
I must have looked like I swallowed a lemon.
“We are royalty,” I gritted out. “My twin sister and I are daughters of the King.”
The daughter came forward, “My father means no disrespect, Witch Queens, it is only that we recognize the blood of Haslan.”
“Bloody hell!”
Scarecrow snorted, “Please, call me Scarecrow.”
They looked as if they had died and gone to heaven just because he spoke to them.
El stepped forward, “We are looking for a girl, about your age, Rain. She has brown hair that she wears in pigtails. Her dress is blue and white gingham, she carries around a small picnic basket with a dog inside.”
I turned to El, “She is also wearing ruby red shoes, don’t forget to add that part.”
“And she is wearing my sister’s favorite heels,” I could feel her roll her eyes even though I didn’t see it.
“We know of whom you speak,” Fern looked around furtively. “She has a prisoner. It is a woman with long red hair.”
“Mombi,” I breathed, “She is our elder sister.”
“Is she alone?” Steele asked.
“No,” Fern replied, “She has a pride of lions at her beck and call, but there is something wrong with the way they looked. I am positive they are under an enchantment.”
El bit her lip, “Where are they?”
“A half days ride into the forest,” he began, “But Witch Queens, there are many dangers in the forest.”
“We will fly over it,” I shrugged.
“You must not,” Rain rushed to say, “The air just above the trees is filled with toxins, the only way through the forest is on foot.”
“Or hoof?” Scarecrow added, “Perhaps, El, you can change Steele into something that will help us get there faster?”
“Oh, hell no! No—no—no!”
Steele threw his hands in the air, “It’s bad enough I smell like monkey butt, I draw the line at transfiguration on myself. A man can only take so much!”
El tipped her head to the side, “What’s wrong, Tin Man? Don’t you trust me?”
“Not even a little bit,” he retorted. “I love you, but I know you.”
El smiled widely, “Then you won’t be surprised at this.”
She flicked her wrist and Steele transformed into a massive draft horse. The only thing was that instead of onyx black or sable brown, his coat was a shocking bright green.
Scarecrow snorted while I burst into giggles, “El, you really shouldn’t have!”