Page 19 of My Crush's Brother

“Yeah, I know. That’s what happens when you get your heart ripped out at 17, you become a bitter old woman.” We both laugh. I fear the day Memphis Styles ever has the nerve to show his face in this town again because Jade will rip it off the moment she sees him.

Several hours later I pull my bug into the parking lot of The Place when I spot Blake’s truck. It’s Sunday night so there’s a decent sized dinner crowd but he’s one of only two people sitting at the bar. His back is towards the door and I can he’s watching whatever sporting event is on the tv.

“Who’s winning?” I say sitting down on the barstool next to him. He turns to look at me and I smile, stretching out my hand toward him, “Pearl. Pearl Davenport. You must be new in town.”

A small grin spreads across his face, “I told you I had some errands to run.”

“Errands? I didn’t realize errands took four days.”

He lifts the tall beer glass to his lips and finishes it in two large gulps. “Had to run up to Bozeman for some lumber and to meet with an architect for a job I have up there.”

“So your business is back up and running then?” A small lump forms in my throat as I motion for Will to grab me a beer.

“Yup. That was the deal I made with ma. I told her after the cabin renos were done I’d be back on the road with the biz. I’ll check in on her and make sure things stay kept up but she can hire a handyman with all the extra revenue she’s generated lately.”

I had forgotten how much he traveled with his business. That’s a big reason why I never really interacted with him much over the years, even though he technically still lived here. I remember his mom telling me how much she worried about him and missed him when he was gone. She’d go weeks without hearing from him.

“Yeah, you did a great job with those cabins, they look fantastic and I can’t believe how booked up they are.” We both nod and he turns his attention back to the tv for a brief moment.

“So got any big projects coming up?” I try to sound nonchalant but I can hear the tension in my own voice.

“Go ahead and ask what you want to ask me Pearl.” He doesn’t take his attention away from the tv.

“What is this?” The words tumble out of my mouth.

“What do you want it to be? You know the line of work I’m in, that I travel and I’m away a lot. I’ve got a project in Alaska thatwill be at least two to three months and the Bozeman job could be just as long.”

I want to tell him that I’m falling for him, that what I feel is real and all encompassing. That I want more with him but I’m too afraid. I’m afraid he thinks he’s just a replacement for Trevor, a rebound. I’m afraid I’ll end up broken hearted and alone. I’m too afraid I’ll end up like Tracey.

“Actually, can we talk about this outside?” I glance around the restaurant. “There’s a few too many eyes and ears in here. I’ll meet you outside.” I say as I toss a few bills on the bar and head outside.

I lean up against his truck since my car is right under a lampost. I don’t want the local town gossip seeing us together and getting the wrong idea. I mean...they’d be correct about us but I don’t need everyone meddling.

The restaurant door opens and I see him step out, glancing around before spotting me waving by his truck. I watch him walk towards me and the lust I have for him takes over. If I can’t have a relationship with him, maybe I can just enjoy him and get him out of my system like Jade said.

Before he can say anything I push off the truck and grab a fist full of his flannel shirt in my hands, pulling him towards me until his mouth is on mine. He stumbles before catching himself against me.

He reaches around and grabs my ass, pulling me tighter against him as his other hand grips my hair. He’s rough, but it’s exciting. He knows I’m inexperienced and he’s gentle when necessary but he doesn’t let it stop him from taking what he wants.

He breaks the kiss and steps back, running his hands through his messy hair. “Pearl, unless you want the rest of Grand Lake to see you bent over the hood of my truck we need to stop.”

I pick up the keys he dropped when I kissed him a moment ago and unlock his truck. I open the driver’s side door and climb in, scooting over the passenger side. Without a word he gets in and we drive to his cabin in silence.

He slides the gear into park and shuts the truck off once we arrive, but instead of getting out he pulls me onto his lap. It’s completely dark and secluded where he parks but I still glance around as he undoes the buttons on my shirt. He presses his soft lips to my exposed neck and trails kisses and licks down my chest. My shirt hangs open leaving me exposed in my bra.

He reaches a hand up and pulls the cups down, taking my breasts in his hands. It’s like he’s trying to memorize me. He puts his hands around my back, pressing me forward until he begins to slowly lick and nibble my breasts, stopping only to switch from one to the other. I can feel his erection pressing against me.

“Tell me how this is going to be Pearl.” He says as he presses my hips down firmly against his manhood.

I let out a small moan as I feel wetness pooling in my panties. “I—I just want you. How long till you leave?”

“A few weeks” he says as he leans forward again and licks at my nipples. It’s like an electric current goes straight to my lower belly.

“Then let’s make the most of it.” I say leaning forward to capture his mouth with my own.

