Pleased that he seemed to have broken through her initial distrust, Connor went back to the stove to finish cooking.
Once the burners were off and the food was ready, he went back to the table and pulled out Tessy’s original chair. He put the pillow on it. “Okay, Dinner is ready. Come sit over here please.”
She put the crayon she was using in the center of the coloring book, and closed the page, using it as a place marker. Smiling she came around to the other side. “It smells really good, Daddy. I’m hungry.”
“Wonderful.” He scooted her in, and went to fix their plates. He set both plates on the table, and then went back to get them silverware.
As soon as she had a fork, Tessy dug into the spaghetti. “Mmm.”
He didn’t have the heart to reprimand her for starting without him. Instead he said, “Would you like water or milk?”
“Water,” she answered with her mouth full.
“Swallow before you talk please.”
She finished chewing, swallowed, and repeated herself. “Water, please.”
He got her a glass of water, and poured himself a glass of red wine before finally sitting down to eat.
She glanced between her water and the wine a couple of times, pouted, and drank her water.
Connor was impressed. The little talk they had about Daddy having her best interests at heart must have really sunk in. After he’d had a few bites, he asked, “How old are you, Tessy?”
She paused with her fork in the air. She set it back on her plate and looked off into the distance while apparently thinking that over. “I don’t know, Daddy.”
“Daddy thinks you’re about seven. Maybe eight. Does that sound about right?”
A few seconds later, she answered decisively. “Eight.”
“Eight,” Connor agreed. He liked that age for her. It was old enough that she didn’t need constant supervision. He could be in another room without worrying that she would get into things or accidentally hurt herself. Old enough that she’d want to help out once in a while when he was doing things around the house. Old enough to be assigned a few chores whether she liked them or not. Young enough to still want to snuggle with him at the end of the day. Young enough to still have that childlike wonder about certain things. And young enough to be playful and still need guidance when her emotions overwhelmed her.
He smiled softly, thinking of all the fun they were going to have together.
“This is really good, Daddy,” Tessy said. “You’re a good cook.”
He chuckled “I’m glad you approve. I don’t exactly enjoy cooking, but I do enjoy eating good food, so over the years I’ve taught myself how to make the foods I like.”
“I like baking more than cooking.” Tessy smirked. “Probably because I like eating the results.”
Connor laughed. “Sounds like we have that in common. Would you like to make cookies together the next time Daddy comes over?”
“Yes! We could do that tonight after dinner!” Tessy said with a big grin.
Connor shook his head. “Daddy has other plans for tonight, but we’ll make cookies together next time.”
Her grin faded, but she didn’t scowl at him. “What plans?”
“You’re going to finish your coloring while Daddy cleans up the dinner dishes and puts the leftovers away. Then we’re going to snuggle together on the couch and watch a movie.”
Focusing on her plate, Tessy muttered, “Making cookies would be more fun.”
“Making cookies will be just as fun next time.”
“I doubt it.”
“Hey, look at me,” he said sternly.
She brought her eyes up to meet his.