“If you’re going to have a bad attitude, we can skip the movie, and you can go to bed early.”
“No, Daddy.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I won’t have a bad attitude.”
“Okay, let’s keep it that way.”
She nodded and focused on her plate again and took a few more bites. “What movie are we going to watch?”
“You get to pick, but it has to be a G-rated cartoon.”
“That’s right. I might be talked into a PG movie if I approve of the reason for that rating, but certainly not a PG13.”
She sighed. “Okay.”
“Use your words and tell Daddy why that doesn’t sound fun.”
She shrugged. “I’ve seen all the Disney and Pixar movies I can think of a gazillion times.”
He frowned for a moment before realizing she’d most likely watched them with her twins. Probably enough times to know the lines. But her kids were adults now, so he was sure there were newer movies she hadn’t seen a ‘gazillion’ times, and as a Daddy who’d played with multiple Littles, he knew all the good ones. He was about to make a suggestion, when he realized she was also aMommy, which meant she probably had seen those the same way he had.
“What did you like to watch on television when you were young?”
“When I was young?” she asked.
“Personally, I loved Scooby-Doo, Fat Albert, and Super Friends.”
“Oh yeah, I liked Scooby-Doo, too. And there was something called the Laff-A Lympics that I used to watch. My sister andI always liked the Land of the Lost with the dinosaurs, but my older brother always teased us about it. He said it sucked.”
“Okay, that settles it. We’ll watch some episodes of Land of the Lost tonight.”
“Really? You can get them?”
“I’m pretty good with finding what I want on the internet. I’d be shocked if I couldn’t find at least one episode out there.” And he hoped he could find an entire season, but he didn’t want to get her hopes up if all he could find were some clips.
“You won’t make fun of the show, right? Like if it’s kind of silly or dumb.”
“Absolutely not. Even if it’s not a show I would watch without you, I’m going to love watching your reactions to it.”
She smiled. “Okay.”
They spent the rest of the dinner talking about the old shows they both remembered.
Once they were both done eating, Connor decided to let Tessy stay where she was to color. He hoped she was deep enough into her Little headspace, that she’d be able to focus on her coloring instead of his cleaning up.
“All done?” he asked.
She nodded and pushed her mostly empty plate away. “Thank you for dinner, Daddy. It was really good.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He put both of their plates on the counter, and then moved her coloring books and crayons over to her. “Okay, time to finish your turtle picture. I can’t wait to see it when you’re done.”
Smiling she opened the book and happily colored.
Connor didn’t hear a peep out of her the entire time he did the dishes and put the leftovers away. Once he was done, he pulled a chair over so he could sit right next to her and watch her progress.
She glanced at him. “Do you want to color, too?”
“No thanks, I’ll just watch you. Besides, you’re almost done with this picture, and then we’re going to put the coloring away for the night.”