Butch meowed at him again before he even got to the cage.

“I’m coming.” Connor took the big orange cat out, and went to sit in the little corralled meet-and-greet area. Butch walked around him purring loudly and butting his head against Connor’s legs and side.

He scratched the cat’s back and chin until Butch settled onto his lap. He looked into the cat’s big green eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”

Butch gave him a little half meow, half purr in response.

“I wanted tocuddle. I mean, it’s not that I’m against cuddling, it’s just… I’m not usually the one who instigates it, or misses it when it’s not there. Why does sex feel different with her?”

He shook his head and sighed. “I don’t know, but I don’t like it. I’m in control of my emotions, not the other way around. The question is, what do I do about it? How can I distance myself without alienating her? Maybe some toys. A blindfold and some rope might do the trick.”

Connor absently scratched behind Butch’s ears, and the cat made biscuits on Connor’s thigh, rhythmically poking his claws through the slacks and into Connor’s skin.

“Hey,” Connor admonished. He put his hand under the cat’s paws to stop him. “That’s enough of that.”

Butch continued to make biscuits on Connor’s palm, but the skin was tough enough to withstand the little pin pricks without breaking.

Connor raised an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t make a very good sub.”

Butch meowed at him again, and kept up the rhythmic clawing.

“Do you want to come home with me?”

“Meow,” Butch answered.

Connor chuckled. “I guess that seals the deal. You have to stay here for two more nights, but then you can fly home with me Saturday morning.”

Butch stood up, put his paws on Connor’s chest, and bumped his head against Connor’s bearded chin.

“I hope Tessica’s right and you don’t mind being alone sometimes.”

Butch leaned his whole body against Connor as if trying to lay on his chest in an upright position.

“You’re such a sweet cat. I can’t believe you actually hiss at people. Maybe Tessica made it all up to get me to take you.”

The cat purred.

Connor frowned. He’d been joking, but when he thought it over, he had to really consider it. Would Tessica lie to get an animal adopted? He doubted it, but he couldn’t be one hundred percent sure. But it didn’t really matter either way now that he’d decided to keep the cat.

He checked his watch and gave Butch a few more minutes of one-on-one time before putting him back in his cage and leaving to get some dinner.

Later that evening, Connor arrived at Connections right at nine o’clock when the doors opened. He saw Tessica pull up as he was locking his car and went over to meet her.

“Hi.” She greeted him with a kiss, and the two went to the back of the line.

Before they made it to the front door Brian stepped into line behind them.

“Hey,” Connor greeted him. “I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”

Brian shrugged. “I can’t get the idea of a doctor’s station out of my head, so I thought I should come talk to some of the regulars about it and see what they think.”

“Great. Glad to have you here.”

They continued to slowly move forward as Tessica asked, “Doctor’s station?”

Brian said, “Last week Paul suggested the idea of a doctor’s station for the Littles to explore medical play.”

“I love that idea!” she exclaimed.