“I haven’t made any final decisions, but thanks for the input.”
“The last time we met I was so focused on Connor that I didn’t get the chance to really talk to you. How do you two know each other?”
“We met at a BDSM club in Juneau about eight years ago. I was a novice dom and Connor introduced me to an experienced sub to play with. We’ve been friends since.”
“You used to live in Juneau?”
“I did my residency there. I moved back to Portland last year once I became a full-fledged doctor.”
Tessica smirked. “A doctor and a pilot? No wonder you’re friends. You both have that God complex going on.”
Connor laughed. “Don’t all Doms?”
Tessica chuckled along with him. They made it to the entrance, and spent the next few minutes signing in and paying their fees.
Once they got inside, Tessica said, “I’m going to talk to Susan and then head to the reading station.”
“I’ll hang out at the craft table for now,” Connor said.
Over the next couple of hours, Connor discreetly watched Tessica in between helping the Littles who came to the table to do crafts. Tessica read to the Littles and dealt with the odd squabble between them. At one point a Little boy threw one of the books on the floor in a fit. Tessica immediately scolded him and gave him a timeout.
That turned Connor on more than anything else she’d done that evening, but he couldn’t understand why. He certainly didn’t want her to do that to him, so why was it a turn-on?
He became impatient to take her home and undress her. Just as he was considering going over to ask Tessica if she was ready, Gwen came over to the craft table.
“Hi Daddy Connor.”
“Hi Gwen. How are you tonight?”
“Great. Susan wanted me to tell you not to feel bad.”
“Feel bad about what?”
“That she doesn’t want a private playdate like I had. She wants you to know it’s not your fault. She’s just not ready to play anywhere but here.”
“Oh, I see. Did she let Mommy Tessica know?”
“Yep. But she’s not brave enough to talk to you, even though I told her you were nice.”
“I appreciate that. Could you ask if she’d like to color one of these pictures with me tonight? No talking needed. That way she could get to know me a bit better.”
“Sure.” Gwen rushed over to talk to Susan at the book area. He watched Susan shake her head. Gwen talked some more and then pulled Susan’s arm to get her up before Tessica intervened.
Gwen pouted, but stopped pulling at Susan. Tessica talked to Susan for a couple of seconds before the young woman tentatively walked over to Connor with a pacifier in her mouth.
“If you don’t want to color, it’s okay. It was an invitation, not a request,” Connor said.
Susan shrugged and pointed to the coloring pages.
He held up two different pictures, one of a horse and one of a lion. “Which one?”
She pointed to the horse.
He set it down and patted the bench seat next to him. “Come sit down and I’ll get you some crayons.”
She sat and he reached across the table to pick up a box of twenty-four crayons, setting it in front of her. “Here you go.”
She pulled out the brown and colored.