“Good to know,” Connor said. “Is she lenient and indulgent with the Littles?”

“Not necessarily. She can be strict, but it always comes from a place of love and understanding of the Little’s needs, not from a place of demanding obedience for the sake of obedience.”

“Again, a true mama bear,” Brian said.

“Yes,” Paul agreed a second time. “And she’ll probably be pissed that I’m sharing this next part, but I’m worried about her, and I have no authority over her outside of the club. But since you own the house she’s running her business out of, you do have some say over that part of her life.”

“Okay.” Connor was intrigued.

Paul continued, “Like a true mama bear, Tessica’s focus is always on taking care her cubs, and I personally think she often overlooks taking care of herself.”

“How so?” Connor asked.

“She’s been working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to make the shelter profitable. Then she goes straight into Mommy mode here as a way to relax, instead of letting me or anyone else take care of her for an hour or two.”

Connor frowned. “Twelve hours a day, seven days a week?”

“Well, that’s according to Gwen, which admittedly might be an exaggeration, but not a flat-out lie.”

Connor’s lips pressed together. “I asked Tessica about her hours. She assured me she wasn’t overworking herself.”

“She probably doesn’t think sheisoverworking herself. Tessica does better with exact directions than generalities, and she’s a rule follower. Tell her no more than eight hours a day, and she’ll complain, but she’ll do it. Say don’t overwork yourself, and she’ll work twelve hours and fully believe that she’s following that order.”

“Ah, I see. Thanks for the insight.”

Paul nodded. “And I doubt this needs to be said, but Tessica is under my protection. She will confide in me if you overstep her boundaries, and you’ll be banned from the club.”

Connor nodded. “I’d expect nothing less, and I’d never intentionally cross anyone’s boundaries.”

“Good.” Paul focused on Brian. “Before you came over, I was trying to talk Brian into setting up a,” Paul did finger quotes in the air, “‘Doctor Station’ on Thursdays for Littles’ night.”

Connor chuckled. “That sounds like a lot of fun.”

“Fun for whom?” Brian asked with a scowl.

“For everyone,” Paul answered jovially. “The Littles could have a safe space to play out all their doctor fantasies, and you’d be able to interact with them without worrying that they’ll get attached, since you said that’s your gripe about Littles.”

“Yeah, but what if their fantasy is having a tantrum about seeing the doctor? Or worse, having a panic attack, and then crying through the whole thing?” Brian asked.

“Put up a big ‘No Crying’ sign,” Connor suggested.

“Or better yet, a sign that says ‘The prescription for a tantrum is a spanking’,” Paul suggested.

Both Connor and Brian chuckled.

“And if any of them have a genuine fear of doctors, it might be the only time they actually see a doctor,” Connor said. “Might be a chance to catch real problems that might otherwise not get caught.”

Brian shook his head. “If I decide to do it, we’d have to make it really clear that it’s all pretend. No actual doctoring could take place. I’d lose my license to practice medicine.”

“I could add a few lines to the waiver people sign when they come in,” Paul suggested.

Brian sighed. “I’ll think about it.”

“Could be a chance for you to play out some of your fantasies, too,” Connor added. “How many times have you wanted to order a patient to take better care of themselves?”

“Every day,” Brian admitted.

“Well, if their Daddy or Mommy is there with them, you’ll be able to give that order and be pretty damn sure it will be enforced.”