“Good point.”

“Great,” Paul said. “Give it some thought. We can talk about it again the next time I see you.”


“Do you guys want to mingle for a while?” Paul asked. “Visit with some of the Littles?”

Connor shook his head. “I’m not sure I’d be able to give any of them the attention they deserve tonight. I’m too distracted.”

“Want to leave?” Brian asked.

“Not exactly, but I think I probably should. Do you want to stay?”

Brian glanced around the room. “I’ll stay for a bit. Talk to some of the Littles before I head out.”

“Sounds good.” Connor patted Brian on the shoulder. “I’ll text you about next week once I know my flight schedule.”


Connor held out his hand to Paul, and they shook. “Thanks for all the information. I hope to see you again in the near future.”

Paul nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

“You, too.” Connor took one more look at the back of Tessica’s head before he grabbed his coat from the locker and headed out into the winter weather.


Tessica stood in front of her bathroom mirror and checked the fifth outfit she’d tried on in the past fifteen minutes. Connor was due to arrive at any moment, and her anxiety had ramped up. She wasn’t sure if she should be insulted or grateful that Connor hadn’t said goodbye before he left the club yesterday, but she’d tossed and turned for most of the night thinking about it.

She bit her lip and considered their upcoming date. What exactly should she tell him? What was she willing to reveal about her past? Was it better to keep most of it to herself? Only share if he specifically asked? Or was it better to spill her guts to someone she’d known since she was fifteen?

She also wondered where the date might eventually lead. It wasn’t as if Connor was unattractive. Back in their teen years, Tessica had a tiny crush on him. But what would that mean now? After her sham of a marriage and years of unhappiness, she doubted she’d ever want to go down that road again. But what would it be like to live with another kinky person? Maybe that had been the spark missing from her marriage.

Just as she was about to try on outfit number six, there was a knock on her front door.

“Crap.” She glanced down at the blue floral dress she’d picked, and wished she’d worn the red dress instead. This one made her feel too soft and vulnerable, whereas she wore the red dress when she was in Domme mode.

With an unhappy sigh, she went to answer her front door. Connor came in wearing a suit.


“You look nice,” he said.

She wrinkled her nose with distaste. “Thanks.”

“What’s that expression for?”

“I think I’d like to change before we go.”

Connor’s eyebrows furrowed. “Okaaay.”

Tessica went to her bedroom, closed the door, and quickly stripped out of the blue dress. She put the solid red dress over her head and zipped up the back. Then she slipped off her black heels and put on the red heels that matched the dress. Feeling much more confident and in control, she went out to see him.

“Damn,” Connor said. “You’re beautiful no matter what you’re wearing, butthisdress makes me itch to take it off you.”

Tessica’s breath caught in her throat, and her eyes opened wide. She couldn’t remember the last time someone told her she was beautiful. It was disconcerting.

“Sorry, my normal inhibitions are down now that I know you’re kinky. Maybe I should work on that.”