He nodded. “And an Uber ride home.” After a short pause, he added, “To our separate houses.”

That helped Tessica get a grip on herself. “You mean something like, you tell me your secret life, and I tell you mine?”

“Exactly. I mean, I’d like to know some of the basics tonight, but I don’t think this is the time or place to bear our souls. We’ve both got people waiting on us.”

She glanced at the door. It could trigger some Littles when they saw the Mommies or Daddies that took care of them fall apart. With that thought, she nodded. “You’re right. We need to talk, but not right now. Short version, I’m a switch, but I’d say I’m ninety percent Mommy Domme and ten percent submissive.”

“Little?” he asked.

She winced, not really wanting to admit it, but not wanting to lie either. “Yes, but very rarely. What about you?”

“I suppose if I had to classify it like that, I’d say ninety percent Daddy Dom, and ten percent Sadist. I enjoy dishing out a bit of pain.”

It seemed surreal to hear those words coming out of Connor’s mouth. A sudden thought struck her. “Do your sisters know?”

“What?” Connor frowned. “Of course not.” Then he gasped. “Does Erin know about you?”

“Absolutely not.”

“That’s a relief.” Connor sighed. “But… why not? You two were thick as thieves when you were in high school.”

“I wasn’t self-aware back then. I wouldn’t even say I was in denial; I just didn’t know what kinky was until I was in college.”

“Ah, I see.” Connor nodded. “I knew I liked unusual things from an early age, but I didn’t have a label for it until I joined the Air Force.”

The last of Tessica’s concerns faded. Knowing that Connor had been kinky his entire adult life made it easier to trust him. “Okay then. Let’s save the rest for tomorrow night, because my Littles are going to be upset if I don’t get back out there.”

He stood, and held his hand out for her. “Pick you up from the shelter at five?”

She put her hand in his, and stood up with him. “If we’re taking an Uber, you should probably pick me up from my apartment instead. It’s not far from your mom’s place. I can text you the address. Five-thirty?”

“Sounds good.”

To her surprise, he pulled her into a quick tight hug.

“Thank you,” he whispered in her ear.

“For?” she asked, hugging back.

“For taking the time to talk to me.” He let her go and opened the bedroom door.

Tessica didn’t think she’d had much of a choice, but nodded anyway and went out to reassure Gwen, Susan, and the other Littles that she was okay, and ready for more play time.


Connor couldn’t help but see Tessica’s backside in a whole new light as she walked down the hall and back out to the club’s main floor. He’d always found her shapely, but now that he knew she was kinky, everything about her seemedbetterthan before.

His eyebrows furrowed as he realized the skirt that currently encased her backside was one he hadn’t seen her wear before. But more than that, it wasn’t the type of skirt she normally wore. This skirt was tight. It was black and went to her knees with a small slit up the back. Without the slit, she probably wouldn’t have been able to walk comfortably. Underneath, she wore black nylons with a seam up the back of each leg, and on her feet were black high-heels. Her blouse was a deep red, and she wore it tucked into her skirt. She definitely looked like a Domme. Except for the adorable mouse ears on her head. But her outfit exemplified what she’d told him. Ninety percent Mommy and ten percent Little.

Calm down,he chided himself.This is Tessica, not some stranger in a club. You can’t just take her into a room and rip her clothes off.But damn, he wanted to.

He watched as Gwen and another Little got up from the reading circle and rushed to Tessica’s side.

“Are you okay, Mommy?” Gwen asked.

“Yes, I’m perfectly fine. We just needed to have an adult conversation.” Tessica wrapped an arm around each of the young women and pulled them into a quick hug.

“I don’t like it when Paul gets bossy with you,” Gwen complained.