“I’ve met at least two Littles who love the idea of carrying that dynamic into their day-to-day lives.”
Tessica shook her head. “Maybe I’m showing my age, but I would never inflict my kink on people out in public, and I wouldn’t play with anyone who did. That’s what clubs, private house parties, and retreats are for. For me, the privacy of those spaces is the thing that makes them feel special.”
“Glad we agree.”
“Any more?” she asked.
“Nothing specific is coming to mind.”
After a short pause she said, “I hadn’t thought of it before, but I think sexual touching is a hard limit for me. I won’t touch a Little in a sexual way, and I wouldn’t let them touch me that way either. I know you said you’re open to sex when playing with a Little, but I don’t think I could watch that or be around while it was happening.”
“Well maybe that brings us to our relationship as a couple, because I assumed we’d be exclusive when it comes to sex.”
“Really?” Tessica’s eyebrows furrowed. “Well, I guess I assumed it would be an open relationship since we’re talking about playing with Littles together.”
“You’ve been celibate for the past eighteen years, and you want an open relationship?”
She chuckled. “Good point. If I’m being honest with myself, I guess I assumed I’d be monogamous, and you wouldn’t.”
Connor scowled. “I think that’s a trauma response to your ex. He cheated on you. That’s a huge betrayal. I’m a serial monogamist. I would definitely prefer us to be exclusive when it comes to sex, but I’m open to talking about it if you really don’t want to be.”
Tessica’s cheeks turned pink as she shook her head. “No. If I’m being honest with myself, I’d prefer to be exclusive as well.”
“Good. So that’s rule one for us as an adult romantic couple. Starting today we’re exclusive when it comes to sexual touching.”
“Okay, we’re exclusive.”
“What about equality?” he asked. “I mean I got married at eighteen, and if someone had asked me back then, I would have said we were equals, but looking back on it, I don’t think we were.”
“How so?”
“It was more like both of us were eighty percent in charge of separate things. She was in charge of raising Michael, cleaning the house, making the meals, and grocery shopping. I was in charge of paying the bills, bringing in the money, and fixing things like broken appliances. We were equals when it came to big decisions like where we were going to live, but that’s about it.”
“Sure,” Tessica agreed. “I would say my marriage was similar with both of us being in charge of different aspects of our lives together, but I’d say we were equals when it came to raising the boys.”
“So is that the type of relationship you’d like us to have? Or are you looking for something different?”
“Different how?”
“Well in my kinky relationship, I always had the final say in all aspects of our lives.”
Tessica shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t like that at all.”
“Would you prefer a completely vanilla romantic relationship with full equality?”
“Vanilla? No. Equal? That’s the part I’m not sure about. I don’t think I’d mind following your lead in most things, but I want veto power. Let’s take my work schedule for example. You say I need to cut down on my hours. I agree. But you can’t just decree eight hours a day and expect me to comply without some discussion.”
Connor nodded. “But what if you didn’t agree that you needed to cut back? What recourse to I have if I see you doing something dangerous to your health and well-being and you don’t want to stop?”
“I seriously doubt that’s ever going to happen. I’m a very reasonable person, and I’m prone to logical thinking rather than acting on my emotions. As soon as you flipped it around and asked what I’d do if one of my Littles had my schedule, I realized how bad it was.”
Connor doubted there would never be a clash of opinions, but it was always something they could revisit down the line. “Okay. Let’s say we agree to ten hours a day, and then you work twelve?”
Tessica sipped her wine and blushed. “Then I’d agree to let you punish me. Probably a spanking since that was your firstinstinct. But that has to go both ways, or I won’t agree to any of it.”
“Both ways?” Connor narrowed his eyes.
“That’s right. If we agree that you’re supposed to do something, and you don’t follow thorough, then you have to agree to let me punish you.”