He scowled. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

“Are you planning to break your word often when we’re together?” she asked.

“Of course not.”

“Well then it should be a rare occasion when I have cause to punish you. Maybe never. But if you can’t agree to it, then maybe our adult relationship should be vanilla.”

“I’ll have to think it over.”

She nodded. “Me, too.”

After an awkwardly long pause, Connor forged on. “What about when you’re Little?”

“Other than a safeword, you’re one hundred percent in charge. And that will probably be very difficult for me to adjust to.”

Feeling more comfortable about that specific part of their dynamic, Connor said, “And punishments? Anything off the table?”

“I don’t think so. Timeouts, spankings, and taking things away are all fine.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“As long as they’re age-appropriate punishments,” she clarified.

“Obviously.” Connor tried not to be offended. The spanking he’d give a Little was vastly different from the spanking he’d give an adult submissive.

There was a slight pause in the conversation and the doorbell rang.

“Pizza’s here.” Tessica got up to answer the door.

Soon they were at the kitchen table eating their dinner and a somewhat awkward silence settled over them.

Connor was the first to speak up after reaching for his second slice. “After dinner I’d like to do two things. I’d like to text Gwen and let her know if we’re going to play with her tomorrow. And then I’d like to take you to bed.”

He saw her stop chewing, and her eyes opened wide with surprise and maybe a touch of fear.

“We were talking a lot about being exclusive, and for me that means we actually have sex together.”

She nodded, swallowed her bite, and put her pizza down. “I agree. It’s just…”

“Just?” he prompted.


“I know, but the first time won’t get any easier if we wait.”

“Yeah,” she reluctantly agreed.

“But during dinner, I want us to agree on how many hours you’re going to work.”

“Ten is going to be difficult but doable. Eight isnot.”

“Nine?” he suggested.

“How about nine on the weekends, and ten during the week?” she offered.

“I can agree to that with two stipulations. First, you text me as soon as you realize you’ve gone over.”

“Probably a good idea to get it out there as soon as it happens so I don’t lose my nerve.”