Her face darkens. "There's been an accident. On Earth. You need to come with me."
And just like that, the fleeting happiness dashes upon the jagged rocks of reality.
"W-what are you talking about? What happened? Is Iris okay? Is Janie?"
She presses her already-thin lips together even tighter. "A riot broke out near your sister's home and she was injured. She's alive and stable, and she has been transported to the hospital. But you have a right to know. Your sister begged the doctors to contact you. To come back and help out in case..." Orvox licks her lips. "In case something happens. You'll need to take care of the child, Iris."
Suddenly, my fairy tale romance felt so silly. So selfish. I came up here in the first place to protect them, and if I couldn't even do that...
Soren tightens his grip against me, and even I can feel his barely-leashed control fraying. "You should let me go. Let me take care of them. Those who hurt your kin will not live to see the morning." His voice, a marked change from his honeyed words just moments earlier, is pure fury now. "Give me leave and I will avenge them, Lara. This I swear to you."
My heart's racing and the tears are pouring and everything's moving fast, much too fast. What did she mean, an accident? And what did she mean, 'if something happens?'
Flashbacks to losing my parents take hold and I start shaking, breaths coming in panicked tearful gasps. This can't be happening. Not again. Not after everything Janie and I went through together. Not her too.
Not her too.
I turn to Soren, and even though his warrior's protectiveness warms my heart, I know I have to do this alone. "Soren..." I reach up and cradle his cheek with my hand. "...I can't stay here, I have to go to her..." My heart shatters further with every word, but there's nothing else I can do.
From the highest high to the lowest low, all in a matter of seconds. But I knew in my heart of hearts what I had to do. Janie needed me. Iris needed me.
Soren pulls me into another fierce kiss, holding me so tight I can practically feel my bones creaking. "I will wait for you, my Lara. If that is your wish. I..." His face, still mottled with fury and concern, softens ever so slightly. "I love you. And I will continue to love you, no matter what choice you make. You are what's important to me now." He takes my hand with a tenderness I'll never forget and slips the ring onto my finger. Leaning his forehead against mine, he rubs small circles on my back while whispering soft, comforting words in my ears.
"I will be here, my Lara. My starlight. Go to your sister. See that she is well. I shall not forget you."
It's the hardest decision I've ever made in my life. Harder than deciding to sign the contract. Harder than working back-breaking hours just to put food on the table for Janie and Iris. But in the end, I know what I have to do.
"I love you, Soren." And with that, I turn away from the love of my life -- from my new fiancé -- and prepare to leave the planet.
I thought I knew pain when I faced certain death at the hands of an intergalactic dictator. I thought I knew hopelessness when I saw my men fall one by one with nothing I could do to stop it.
I was wrong.
The pain that runs through me when I see my heart-mate walking away from me, possibly forever, tears at my very soul. Anger and guilt and fear flood through me in equal measure, but there's nothing I can do.
I have to let her -- and the ISA -- handle this.
And I've never felt so powerless in all my life.
She turns and looks back at me, and for a moment I see the weight of her decision on her face. She wants to stay. I know she does. But she can't.
I raise my hand to my lips and blow her a kiss, trying to put all the love I have into that simple action. She returns the gesture and disappears into the transport with Orvox. Soon, they're both out of sight.
I’m alone.
There's no one out here. I picked a remote area that would be just for us, so that we wouldn't be disturbed while I laid my own heart bare for the woman I hoped would be mine for the rest of our lives. The carefully constructed scene looks back at me, a mocking reminder of what almost was. The food sits untouched in the picnic basket. The champagne, uncorked.
Even the movie sits paused at the title screen, ready for us to share the night together.
But everything changed in that pivotal instant, and now I don't get to anymore.
With a snarl, I gather everything up as fast as I can. I don't want to see it. I don't want to be reminded of how hard I worked for her. Of how much I put on the line just to tell her that I loved her.
I know it's not her fault -- but that doesn't make it any easier. Every time I breathe, every time I close my eyes, I see her broken face. Her tears. And all at the same time, I see her smile. Her love. The joy we shared -- and the little one still forming in her belly.