That one socks me right in the gut. Our baby. Will Lara be alright without the Aesir nurses to monitor her pregnancy? I'm told that it's different than an Earth pregnancy, though I don't know by how much.
And what's more...will our baby be okay? Will I ever see them? Hold them in my arms?
So much is uncertain now, and I hate it. My scowl deepens. There were contingency sections in the contract for the case of emergencies, but I was so excited at the time that I tried not to think about the what ifs.
Now I have to.
With a sigh, I return to Cali and stroke her mane, trying to think of anything but my Earth-bound mate. She huffs and nudges at my shoulder, then looks this way and that. She knows something is up. Of course she does. We've worked together for so long that we understand each other.
"I'm sorry, girl," I say as I focus on her soft coat. "She's not coming back with us this time."
Cali stomps a hoof in protest.
"I know, I know. I'm not happy about it either. But she has to go help her family. You understand that right, girl? Family?"
Her nostrils flare and she lowers her head in agreement.
I climb up onto her back and start to lead her back toward the cottage, but I freeze. There's nothing left there for me but memories and pain. She might be gathering her things there right now, preparing to leave the planet. And if I see her again, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from begging her to stay.
No. I have to do this. I have to be strong, for her.
So I turn Cali around and we start the long journey back to my home.
The silent night and the long trek provides plenty of time to sit with my thoughts. Not that that's a good thing. I wonder how I'm going to tell my men. I wonder how I'm going to sleep at night without her next to me.
At least I hadn't introduced her to my clan yet. They would not miss her as much as I would. Of course, no one could miss her as much as I did right now. It's like a piece of me left with her, and without it I feel as empty as a black hole in space.
If there's one thing I've learned about Lara in the short time we spent together, it's how determined she is when she puts her mind to something. It is one of the first things I grew to love about her, besides her heavenly appearance of course. Not many women would have willingly offered themselves as surrogates to an unknown alien. But the fact that she did, and what's more, the reasons she did, speaks volumes about her character.
She would be a great wife and a great leader. If she chooses to come back.
My chest clenches again at the thought. I know we're heart-mates. I can feel it, deep down in her soul. Even though Lara grows further and further away, I still feel a part of her with me. Like the faintest heartbeat in the back of my mind. No matter what happens, no matter how far she goes, part of me will always be able to feel her there.
I'm told that true heart-mates, after their mating ceremony, can even share thoughts and feelings. I hope I get the chance to find out.
The sight of my mother's ring on her finger gives me hope. She will be back. I saw the love in her eyes. I saw the pain and the conflict when she had to leave.
All I have to do is wait. And somehow not go insane in the meantime.
We're just getting ready to cross out of the ISA designated zone when I spot a guard tower up ahead. I grumble to myself. Great, another lackey. No doubt they've heard the situation by now, so they should have no problem letting me leave. I pull up to the window and a uniformed representative steps out.
"Ah, there you are. I am very sorry to hear about the incident regarding Miss Lara. Please rest assured that you will be issued a replacement mate if necessary. Would you like me to contact other candidates on your behalf?"
"What?!" I roar, unable to stop myself. I grab the man by the neck and lift him up into the air so he's face to face with me. "You will do no such thing, and I'm going to pretend you didn't even suggest such treason." My voice shakes, my rage prickles all the way through my skin, and I know I'm a hair's breadth away from snapping his neck right here. "My Lara is not a pawn or a bargaining chip. She is my heart-mate, and mark my words, I will have her back."
The guard squeals and claws at my hand around his throat, legs kicking helplessly in the air. "P-please, Warlord Soren! I meant n-no offense!" He gags and chokes, his stupid golden face taking on a darker, redder shade. I let out a breath before placing him back on the ground against my better judgment.
"All right, all right! I get it. I will mark that in your file, apologies! There's just one last thing I need you to sign off on, then." He grabs a clipboard from the small office and thrusts it toward me.
This guard really wanted to risk his life today, didn't he?
With a sigh, I take the clipboard and read through the form. My blood chills in an instant.
It's a waiver to nullify the contract -- meaning that I'm no longer obligated to send food and money down to Earth.
Screw that.
I grab the clipboard in both hands and snap it in half with a growl. Tossing the pieces to the dust, I look up at the cowering guardsman with murder in my eyes. "Does that answer your question?"