Page 25 of Soren

He's got a possessive streak a mile wide, but if I'm being honest? I don't mind it so much. In fact, I kind of love it.

Back on Earth, I had so many responsibilities I never had much time to date. And even when I did, no one had ever put me first the way Soren did.

I pop another chocolate into my mouth and lay back on the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. There's a lofted skylight so we can view the stars, and already they're starting to shine through in little diamonds of light. I always loved stargazing as a child. I'd look up there and beg my mom to tell me the name of every constellation and every star. She didn't know most of them, so we started making up our own. It was a game we used to play, up until she passed away. My heart aches at the thought. I wonder what she would think if she knew I was on another planet, contracted to have a baby with an alien warlord? What would she think of Soren?

My thoughts drift and I wonder idly how the other women from the program are doing. Are their mates just as attentive and caring as Soren? Are they being taken care of?

My core clenches at the thought. 'Taken care of' is one way to describe how Soren's treated me, but it's not nearly enough. He goes above and beyond in every way to ensure that I'm happy, well-rested, well-fed, and most of all -- well-fucked.

I let out a soft moan at the thought, my hand drifting lower. I knew that coming here to be a surrogate meant I'd have to have sex, but I guess I didn't realize just how much of it I'd be having.

Not that I'm complaining -- Soren's the best lover a girl could ask for. He brings me to the brink again and again until I'm brainless and blissed out beneath him. Only then does he take his pleasure, pumping me full of cum until I can't hold any more.

The mere sight of him, the mere scent, is enough to get me going these days. I've never been so sensitive in my life. While it's nothing like the all-consuming heat that took me when I arrived, it's always there.

Waiting for his touch. His kiss. His cock.

Thankfully, I never have to wait long.

We started to mix it up after the first week. Sometimes he finishes inside me. Sometimes he will finish on my chest or in my mouth. That last one is secretly my favorite. Who knew alien cum tasted so good?

I love the way his pupils blow wide when I finger myself with his cum, pushing it deeper and deeper into my pussy. When I'm through, I'll lick each finger clean, and I swear the look on his face starts the cycle of lust all over again.

But as great as sex with Soren is, I'm starting to get a bit bored in the cottage all day. Soren wanted me to stay here for the first two weeks so we could get acclimated, but it's been more than enough time. My legs itch to get out and explore. There's a whole alien world just outside that door, and I intend to learn as much about it as I can.

Soren appears in the doorway and startles me from my thoughts. I shove the chocolate box behind my back and give him a smile.

"Hey," he says, leaning against the doorframe. I don't think I'll ever get used to the size difference between us. He positively looms in the doorway, head reaching all the way to the top, while I feel like I'm in a cottage made for giants. "How's my beautiful omega doing?"

A blush rises to my cheeks at his words. At first, I didn't like being called that. I worried that it reduced me to no more than my hormones or my physical reactions. But as time went on, I realized that he didn't mean it in a disparaging way. It was his method of showing just how important I was to him.

"I'm fine," I say, stretching and slipping out of bed. I walk over and wrap my arms around him. His body heat both excites and calms me in the most paradoxical way, but when he smells this good...

I nuzzle into his chest and then look up at him. He leans down to kiss me, his lips hot and possessive against mine. I feel him swell against me, but as nice as that sounds...

"I want to go out today." I spit the words a bit too fast, worried that I'll have second thoughts if I wait too long. His eyes widen for a fraction of a second.

"Out?" He raises an eyebrow. "But you have everything you could ever want here." Soren pauses. "Unless there's something I'm missing? Whatever it is, say the word and I'll get it for you."

I press my hands against his chest and push away. His insistence on spoiling me is so charming, but that's not what I need right now. "I've been in this cottage ever since you came to get me. I want to know what it's like out there." I step toward the huge windows and peer out, palms flat against the glass. "I came all the way from Earth, Soren. You don't understand -- we don't have anything like this. Not even close."

Soren snorts. "Sounds boring."

"It's beautiful in its own way." My heart swells with homesickness once again. I think of Janie and Iris down on Earth, and send out a silent prayer for their health. I know they are doing better now with the stipend from the ISA, but I can't help but worry. They're my family, after all.

A flutter of movement catches my eye as I look out upon the small valley. My alien mate comes up behind me and wraps his hands around my waist. His bulk against mine feels right. Feels safe. But he's not going to change the subject that easily.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing to a small creature scampering out of the trees into the grassy area. A long white streak runs down its otherwise dark colored back. It trots along on four legs, making its way to a small stream.

"That's a masaka. Cute little devils, but they don't much care for people. They're nocturnal. It's rare to see one out and about like this. They prefer to live underground."

"Wow." My mind spins with the new information. "And what's that? Is that a giant mushroom?" Down near the stream a huge, round-topped fungus blocks out the moonlight.

"Mushroom." He mulls over the word for a moment. "Yes, I believe that is what your people would call them. To us they are known as fintus."

"So cool..." I turn away from the window to give him my best cute puppy-dog face. "Can we go out and explore? I want you to show me around. Can we do that?"

Soren opens his mouth as if to protest, but thinks better of it. He cups my cheek with his large golden hand and smiles. "Yes. But not tonight."