Page 26 of Soren


"Not tomorrow."

"Ugh!" I groan. "Why are you keeping me here like this? I thought I could have whatever I wanted. And what I want is to go outside."

Soren holds up his hands and takes a step backward. Is the fearsome alien warlord actually...backpedaling? "It's not that I don't want to! It's just..." He rubs the back of his neck.

"The first two weeks are critical for your body to acclimate to the new environment. And after the omega serum made you go into heat, I kept you here to keep you safe. According to my research, the hormone levels should fluctuate back toward normal levels in the next few days. And then, I promise, I will show you all the sights and sounds of Aesir." His lips form a thin smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"There's something else." I cross my arms. "What's on your mind?"

Soren lets out a breath. "Soon we'll know if all that baby-making worked or not."

I flush at his words. My clit twitches up against my body and my walls contract. Oh, I remember the baby-making, all right. I'll remember those days and nights of pleasure until the day I die.

Of course, it wasn't just for pleasure. A mental image of Soren carrying a swaddled baby bundle jumps into my mind. Of Soren feeding the little one. Of tiny fingers and tiny toes reaching out for him. He's so kind and gentle despite his size and power. He would be a great father. I just know it.

So why does my heart already ache at the thought of leaving him and our child?

"What if it doesn't...take? We can try again, right? We have the whole year."

The more I think about it, the more I realize how anxious I am. I came here on contract to have a baby for this alien warlord. And if I can't do I forfeit the contract? Will they send me back home? Cut off our funding? My stomach twists into a knot.

No. I can't let that happen.

We had sex on practically every surface, in practically every position, multiple times a day for the last two weeks. Surely one of those times he knocked me up.


Soren steps toward me again, placing a hand on my still-flat stomach. "We have the year, yes, but we have to allow time for gestation." He makes a sound deep in his chest, almost like a muted growl. "The window is...very small."

"It'll happen," I promise him with a conviction I don't feel. I slip my hands over his and give them a squeeze.

"I hope so."

And as I stare out across the moonlight plains of an alien landscape, I hope so too.



"Do you have your bag?"


"Your sunscreen?"

"Yes, now can we --"

"Your communicator in case we get separated?"


After what feels like forever, I'm getting ready to leave the cottage for the first time and explore Aesir. The only problem is, Mr. Worrywart Alpha is fussing over every little thing.

"All right, all right. Fine." He holds his hands up. "I surrender."

That makes me snort. "You, the fabled warlord? Surrendering so easily?"