Page 11 of Soren

I don't understand it, and it scares me.

But I want him.

He's saying something to the officer, something I can't understand, but I can't tear my eyes away.

The pieces click together at last and I draw in a sharp, shuddering breath. I know who this man is.

I saw his picture back on the slides during orientation. It feels like years ago at this point, but I remember his sharp features all too well.

This is Soren.

This is my alpha.

I didn't expect to meet him so soon, or so suddenly. And the way he just threw that officer to the ground...

This is the man that's supposed to take care of me for the next year? And what's more, this is the man I'm supposed to sleep with? Have babies with?

A war of ideals fights its way out in real time as I watch the interaction between the hulking golden alien and the now-cowering officer. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a familiar face -- it's the alien woman from orientation, Orvox, and she doesn't look happy.

I'm more than happy to step to the side as she confronts the alpha. It's almost comical, her small, lithe frame against his, but she crosses her arms and glares at him in a way not many would dare.

She barks something in a language I can't understand, gesturing at the officer and then at me. I try to make myself small, and consider just getting on the shuttle to get away from all this, but my curiosity -- and that maddening desire -- keeps me rooted to the spot.

The alpha growls, and it reminds me of a predatory beast. Too bad, then, that it sends a jolt of unmistakable pleasure all the way down to my spine, pooling between my legs.

Damn this heat.

They exchange a few more pointed words, and I wish I could understand what they were saying. I know they're talking about me, and I know Orvox isn't happy, but other than that?

When did I become such a hot topic?

I clutch my bag closer to my body and wrap my arms around myself. I don't like being in the spotlight. Never have. But I've put aside my discomfort for the sake of my family many times before, and this time is no different.

Well, except for the fact that I'm literally on an alien planet, and apparently they're already fighting over me.

Some welcome.

After one more menacing growl that does all the wrong things to me, the alpha stands down and Orvox turns to me. Her face turns from intimidating to apologetic in the blink of an eye.

"Sorry about him," she says, switching back to my language. "As you can see, some of the alphas get a bit...over eager. But do not worry, he will not harm you. If he does, he will have to deal with me." She leans in close and presses something into my hand. It's a small circular device with a single button. "If he gives you any more trouble, or you need help for any reason, use this to send out a distress call. We'll be there right away."

I hold it tightly in my hands and tears well up in my eyes for a split second. "Thank you," I whisper. "So do I..." I gesture at the shuttle, and then at the looming alpha. "Do I still need to get on the shuttle, or?"

She frowns and lets out a sigh. "Normally you would, but Soren here insists on escorting you personally. You'll be leaving with him instead."

Soren -- so that's his name. I try to make a mental note, but there's so much new information to digest, there's no doubt it'll be lost in no time. Orvox squeezes my hands one more time, then breaks away and joins the shuttle, waving as the doors slide closed.

A tall, looming presence casts a shadow behind me. I turn to see Soren there, standing only inches away and staring down at me like I stared at the platters of food on board the spaceship.

"Um. Hello. It's nice to--" My sentence finishes with a surprised shriek, because he hoists me into his arms without warning and marches away.



There's one flaw in this plan. The whole point of taking the shuttle to the intake center was so that we could get adjusted and be fitted with translator devices. Without one, Soren's words are nothing but guttural grumbles.

Soren, and even Orvox, seem to have conveniently forgotten that part.