So here I am, practically flying through the air as Soren carries me god-knows-where, and with each step, my body aches and throbs more and more.
The feel of his strong arms around me and the bulk of his massive chest steady against my own -- it's more than I can handle.
I still don't understand what's happening to me, but there's no escaping it. Soren's warmth and scent fill my body. His muscles work under his smooth, golden skin. Skin that begs to be touched, kissed, worshiped...
I blink, startled at my sudden train of thought. I've never been this horny before. Especially for a man I just met.
But then again, I'd never taken whatever was in that 'omega' shot before, either...
I try to focus on something else, anything else, but the landscape blurs by too fast to catch most of it. In fact, it starts to make me a little woozy, so I bury my face in Soren's warm chest and hope for the best.
"Where are you taking me?" I venture to ask. I don't expect an answer. Unlike Orvox, who is clearly some sort of ambassador, Soren does not speak our tongue. How will we communicate without a translator device? Surely he knows this, right? And he'll provide one for me when we get wherever we're going.
When we come to a stop, I open my eyes and promptly let out a scream.
The landscape has completely changed -- the bizarre mood-ring sand giving way to lush grass and thick foliage. Standing right in front of me, however, is the biggest beast I've ever seen.
It sports tall, proud antlers like an elk, but has a body more akin to that of a horse. Strange markings trail down its neck and flanks. At the sight of Soren, it turns its head and makes a low, chuffing sound.
He speaks again in his jagged language, and the beast actually responds. Is he that animal? Then Soren turns his face down to me. It's not so bad up close. In fact, he's actually kind of handsome. In a scary, he'll-probably-kill-me kind of way.
Or fuck me to death.
I shiver at the thought, my body tensing as the reality sets in. Soren is huge, to say the least. Practically twice my size. And if the rest of his body is just as proportional...
I gulp. There's absolutely no way. But my traitorous body doesn't seem to care. It's all I can do to keep my hands to myself, to keep my breathing steady, to make sure I don't spontaneously combust before I can find a place to be alone and take care of this myself...
Before I can try to ask what the ginormous beast is, he lifts me up further and with gentle strength, sits me atop the beast's back.
Oh. Oh no.
We're going to ride this thing.
I am so, so screwed.
The creature's fur is soft and warm against my legs, and though it's a bit unsettling to be near such a strange creature, I'm also impressed at its apparent calm.
"What is this?" I ask, knowing I won't get an answer. It makes me feel better to talk, even if it's just to myself. Otherwise I spend too much time in my thoughts, and in my current state...
Yeah, not a good idea.
Soren swings up behind me and settles on the beast, wrapping his thick thighs and strong arms around me. I gasp despite myself, clit throbbing as his warmth engulfs me. He has to know what he's doing to me. I can't be the only one that's feeling this.
I shift my hips ever so slightly, trying to ease some of the pressure. I can't stay still. Not with the way Soren's muscles shift behind me. Not with the smooth rocking back and forth motion of the creature's strides. This is so wrong.
My face flushes with shame and arousal. I knew this would be part of the plan, but actually going through it with a sexy-as-sin alien pressed against me?
Easier said than done.
Soren utters a command and the creature slows its pace as we reach a dirt road. I can see the pointed roofs of cottages in the distance, spread out among towering palm trees. Or at least, whatever this planet's version of palm trees is.
I tense as his hands settle on my thighs. It's only then that I feel the rock-hard rod of his erection pressing into my backside. I suck in a gasp, but it turns into a moan. Before I can stop myself, I'm grinding my ass back into him, desperate for more.
My skin burns where he touches me, and my body trembles, waiting for him to move his hands further up my legs. To part them and give me what I crave.
At this point, I don't care if we have to do it right here, on the back of this giant beast. I need him. If my thunderous pulse is any indication, I won't be able to hold out much longer...