The spaceport looms large before us, a vast, circular structure with a high dome. The glistening chrome almost blinds me when the morning sunlight hits it just right, and I raise my hand to shield my eyes. Even at this distance I can see the hustle and bustle of activity -- cars coming and going, people crossing to and from the many crosswalks. Funny how things like this still exist when half of us are literally starving to death. But for us, right now? It's my ticket to a better life for all three of us.
It's like an airport, but...different. The whole place feels futuristic and new, like nothing I've ever seen before. Must have been something the aliens put in when they made the deal with Earth.
I crane my neck and try to get a look at the hangars situated behind the dome. I'd never seen a real spaceship before. Now I'm about to fly to an alien planet in one.
"I'm going to miss you," Janie admits, squeezing my hand. "Be safe out there."
"I will," I say, but I can't force away the lump in my throat. "Promise."
When I bring her in for a hug, I hear the sound of her stomach gurgling. We didn't have anything to eat yet this morning, but I guess that means I didn't have any trouble following the no food for twelve hours rule. Janie and Iris on the other hand...
"As soon as I sign the contract and get the shot, they'll release a shipment for you. Just a little longer."
Janie pulls back, eyes wide and watery with tears. "I'll never forget this, Lara. Thank you."
I give her the bravest smile I can, even though my heart is beating out of my chest with nerves. "You and Iris gotta take care of each other, okay? I'll be in touch when I can."
The air hangs heavy with all the things we could have said, but nothing feels good enough in this moment. It's just a year, I remind myself. Just a year. I know that in the scheme of our whole lives that's not very long, but at the moment it seems like the largest obstacle I've ever faced.
But then Janie hands Iris to me and I feel the soft skin of her hands on my cheek. The wispy tufts of hair that tickle my nose. She looks up at me, oblivious to our situation. I try to remember those gentle, dark eyes. The comforting weight of her small body against mine. I press a kiss to her forehead, and this time the tears really do start flowing.
"Love you, Iris. I'll be back soon. Be good for your mommy, okay?"
Her chubby cheeks flush pink as she nods.
"I'll be back for you both. Don't worry." I kiss her again, then hand her back to her mother. "I'll see you soon."
Janie presses her lips into a thin line, choking back a sob of her own. "Love you, Lara."
"Love you, too."
I turn toward the stream of people and the signs pointing to 'receiving area', but Janie calls out to me one more time.
"Yeah?" I whirl around, thinking she might have forgotten something.
"Hey," she says, mouth turning upward in a sad smile. "If you meet a super hot alien up there, don't forget about us!"
I bark out a laugh at that, and wave one more time. Even in the worst of times, she knew how to lighten the mood. With that thought in mind, I set off toward my new adventure.
Despite the traffic outside the spaceport, when I arrive at the designated receiving room, I'm the only one there. I almost think I'm in the wrong place, at first. I step inside and look around, seeing nothing but blank walls and empty chairs.
"Hello?" I call out. I must have read the directions wrong. This couldn't be the place.
"Oh! There you are." A familiar voice startles me and I whirl around. It's the alien lady from yesterday, Orvox. There's only one door, though, and I'm facing it. So how did she even get in here? I shiver. There was so much I still didn't know about these aliens. They had skills and technology we couldn't hope to understand, and here I was putting my very life in their hands.
Last minute jitters fluttered through my gut, but I stood my ground. This was it.
"Looks like you're the first one to arrive today. Are you feeling well?"
A loaded question, that one. "Yeah. I think so."
"I've prepared the final paperwork here, if you're ready." She pulls out a clipboard seemingly from nowhere and hands it over to me.
I take it, scanning down the list. My eyes glaze over with the sheer amount of legalese, but I've already went over all the details online. "This is the last thing you need?" I asked, looking up. "Does that mean...?" I didn't get a chance to finish my question.
"Yes. All the necessary details for your transfer to Aesirheim. As soon as you sign, we'll begin the process."