Page 3 of Soren

She smiles, and even though it looks a bit uncanny on her sharp features, it puts me a little more at ease. "That's all right. I'd be more worried if you weren't. But rest assured, we have taken all the necessary precautions. You'll be in very good hands. Ah -- here we are."

We stop at one marked number three and she opens the door to usher me inside.

Good thing three has always been my lucky number.

The physical passes without incident. Well, if you call sitting around in a paper gown while an alien swabs your cheek and pokes and prods you without incident. I know it's part of the process, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

After I get dressed once more, she tells me to go back to the waiting room while they run some labs. "It'll only be a moment," she promises me, but I know better. I've heard that one before.

My eyes droop. I'm starting to get hungry. I came here first thing in the morning and its already noon. My stomach grumbles; I press a hand to it, muttering silent promises I know I can't keep.

Just a little longer, and I'll be able to eat as much as my belly can hold.

Just a little longer and Iris won't starve.

All I have to do is open my legs for an alien. No pressure.

The swish of the opening doors jolts me awake. It's the same female alien as before, and this time she's holding a tablet not unlike the one I have.

"Ladies, thank you all for being so patient with us today. I'm sure you're all excited and nervous, so I'll get right into it." She taps the tablet and a projection appears in front of her. Okay, not like mine, then.

"I'm happy to announce that the preliminary tests have all come back within satisfactory parameters. The genetic matches are as follows."

Several slides appear on the projection. She flicks through them one by one, eliciting gasps from the gathered girls. I'm not immune. These are the guys I'll be staying with?

The first thing I notice is their size. And I don't mean below the belt. Every one of them is built like a brick house with chests bare and muscles bulging. They have the same gold skin, yet somehow it shines even brighter, even more vibrant. They wear their hair long in a variation of braids and shaggy curls. Bright, intelligent eyes seem to bore right through the projection and stare into mine. If I had to compare them to someone on Earth, I would call them giant golden Vikings.

Each man has grizzled and unmistakably masculine features, but instead of feeling intimidated, something curls in my gut when I think of sleeping with one. Maybe it's the pure testosterone oozing off their hardened bodies.

"The ruling class on Aesirheim are warlords," she explains. "They are all highly decorated veterans and have served the planet well. They fought off intruders and secured peace for their peoples, but not without cost. The very enhancements that allowed us to win the war have made it...shall we say, difficult to conceive. That's where each of you come in."

She pulls back the projection until all twelve men are showing at once, rotating around a pock-marked planet.

I glance at the girl next to me. She's staring wide-eyed at the image, her jaw hanging open. I can't blame her -- these creatures are beautiful. Powerful.

But they're also deadly.

"While they are our most elite force of warriors, do not misunderstand. Aesir males cherish their females above all else. You will be treated with nothing but the utmost respect and reverence during your stay. You will have anything your heart desires, so long as you complete your duties."

Open your legs and make a baby. The unsaid words echo in the empty air. Each of us knows what we're getting into, no matter how luxurious she makes it sound.

"Are there any more questions?" She scans the crowd. The girls -- myself included -- are all either too overwhelmed or too nervous to say anything.

"Very well. Please report to the spaceport at 8 am sharp tomorrow morning for your inoculation. Please do not eat or drink for twelve hours beforehand."

She turns on her heel to leave and one of the girls finally pipes up.

"I-inoculation?" Her voice wavers. "What for?"

"It's nothing sinister, I assure you. It will simply help your body adjust to the environment on Aesirheim. It also ensures genetic compatibility with your mate."

It sounds so clinical when she says it like that. Mate.

But I guess that's what I am. Not even that, really. Just a carrier for some alien warlord's baby. I have no illusions that he will love me. He doesn't need to. But as long as Janie and Iris are okay, that doesn't matter.