One hand creeps higher, one precious inch at a time. I hold my breath. To my dismay, it ghosts over my mound completely and comes to rest on my abdomen. His hands, I realize, are nearly as wide as my waist. If his hands are that large, then how big is...
His hard-on rubs against me once more, so much thicker than anything I've felt before. Even through his clothes, even from the barest touch, I know he will utterly destroy me. Does the shot they gave us cover that, too?
And why does that sound like heaven right now?
The cottages grow closer, rising toward us in time with my panting breaths. I'm all out of dignity at this point, sweating and clinging to the alpha for dear life while I roll my hips in time with our mount's movements. Soren doesn't protest. He holds me close, large hands wandering, and just when I think I'm about to snap...
He utters a command and the beast stops.
Why did it stop? Why did he stop?
I open my eyes, and the facility from the orientation greets me. We've arrived.
This female is going to be the end of me.
No, I remind myself. Not just any female. Lara.
The very sound of her name thunders through my blood. Her soft body against mine keeps me in a maddening state of arousal the entire ride back to the center. Each breath she takes comes in a quick, shuddering gasp. And her scent -- Aesir, her scent!
It floods every pore of my being. Short circuits my brain and travels straight to my cock. She squirms against me, helpless to my teasing, unable to do anything but take what I give her.
I've fought in countless battles, stared down death more times than I could count, but having this female -- this omega so close to me like this is the hardest battle I've ever fought.
It takes everything I have to stop right here and throw her to the ground, heedless of the rules. I want to give her more. I want to show her everything.
I want to make her mine.
But we had a deal. I cannot claim her. Not yet.
And besides, we still cannot understand one another. Not that it is essential for mating, I suppose, but something about her is...different. I want to know more about her. I want to tell her all the filthy things I'm going to do to her, and I want to hear her screams of pleasure as she comes apart on my cock.
To do that, we need a translator.
A frustrated growl rumbles in the back of my throat. I reacted too rashly back at the spaceport. If I'd been thinking with my brain instead of my cock, I would have requisitioned a translator device before we ever left. Before she ever stepped off the ship.
No matter. That can be fixed. All in good time.
All that matters is this present moment, and right now? She's drenched with sweat and arousal. She's so responsive, so supple to my touch. I want to explore more of her. I want to caress every inch, to show her how an Aesir warlord treats a woman.
And more than that? I want to run off with her. To forget all about the contract and take her north, far beyond the reach of the breeding agency. I want to show her off to my people and fuck her so soundly that there's no doubt who she belongs to. I want to see her belly swell with my child.
Good thing there's a sliver of rational thought left in my mind. As much as the primal part of me doesn't like it, I know I have a duty to fulfill. We both have to stay at the facility so that she can be monitored and kept safe.
Pah. As if any Aesir worth his salt would harm a defenseless female. I will have her in every way she desires, but first we must reach the facility.
Our aki slows, lumbering to a halt as it reaches the edge of the facility. Lara looks up, eyes wide and disoriented. I try to speak to her, to calm her trembling form, but she does not listen. Does not understand.
Not for long.
We approach the guard tower and the Aesir inside gives me a wary glance. I call out to him.
"Where are the translators?" I ask, but it's more of a command.
The guard shifts, throat bobbing.