Page 14 of Soren

"Ah, they...the Earthlings are to be brought to the intake center, and they will receive all necessary materials there--"

"That's not what I asked." My voice hardens. I could snap his neck here and now, but I have an omega to look after. She comes first, even before my own self. And right now, she needs a translator.

"Where are the translators?" I ask again, narrowing my eyes and projecting my influence.

Lucky for him, the guard makes the smart choice. He points wordlessly at a storage shed nearby and I nod. "Open it," I bark, knowing that it will be locked.



The pathetic excuse for a guard rushes to the shed and wrenches it open, returning with the treasured device. As soon as I have it safely in my hands, I turn our aki around. Good thing I looked at her file -- I know which cottage she'll be in.

And if her heavy breathing is any indication? She doesn't want to sit through any more introductory meetings either.

Lara is mine, and the moment we enter that cottage, she will know just how mine she is.

We pull up to the cottage -- #047 -- and not a moment too soon. I scan the environment as we approach, looking for any signs of danger. There are none. It's quite a quaint little establishment. Furnished with a lovely garden and a front porch, it screams comfort and luxury. Which is exactly what she signed up for.

Anything less and I'd take her away myself, to show her how she deserves to be treated. But yes. This is adequate. There's a biometric scanner on the door so that no one but us can enter, and as I look around I notice there are no other cottages in the immediate vicinity.

Good. That way no one will hear her screams when I bury my face between her legs.

The aki gives a whinny as we pull up to a stop. They've thought of everything -- even leaving a stable area for our mount to rest, eat, and drink.

It hardly crosses my mind, though. Other, more urgent thoughts force their way in, blocking out all sense of reason. Lara looks like she's about to burst, and I'd be lying if I didn't say the same. I make sure she's steady, then I swing down from the mount and look up at her.

Even from this vantage, she's like nothing I've ever seen. Her pleading eyes catch on to mine and don't let go.

"Soon, my omega." I keep my voice soft, hoping she'll catch the emotion behind my words, if not the meaning. I want this just as badly as she does, but we need to get inside first.

I reach up and gently lift her, marveling at her figure once more. She's so light, so delicate compared to my people. It almost feels wrong to bed someone so fragile, but I can't help myself. Her scent drives me crazy and each touch of her perfect skin sends shockwaves straight to my cock.

She wobbles a little as I set her on the ground and she grabs onto me for support. I place a possessive hand at her back and lead her to the door.

My heart thunders in my chest and blood pumps so loudly I hear it pounding in my ears. The moment we're inside, all bets are off.

Lara looks up at me, pointing at the access panel. She asks a question which I assume must be what it is or what to do with it.

The translator still hangs heavy in my pocket. I know I should give it to her, but that would cost precious minutes. And neither of us can really wait another second.

Screw the translator, I growl to myself. I need her now. She needs me now.

I gently take her hand and place it against the access panel. It lights up after scanning her palm. She gasps like it's the most magical thing in the world when the door clicks open to let us inside.


If even that is enough to wow her, she's in for a treat here on Aesirheim.

I take one last look around the cottage to make sure there are no intruders, then lead her inside, the door clicking soundly behind us. I can’t wait.



When they said we'd be staying in cottages, I'd expected something small and quaint. I imagined something in the picturesque countryside, high in the cool mountains and perhaps not all that accessible. We were here for one thing and one thing only.

But the place Soren leads me to is more like a luxury mansion, and it is definitely on a main road that his mount has no problem navigating. Where do I begin?