Page 86 of March

“Well, I think I’m all out of questions. Do you have any for me?” he asked.

Sophie went through three different ones than she had used in the other interview, and after he answered them and they saidtheir goodbyes, she exited the browser and closed her computer. Then, she walked to the bedroom and pushed the door open.

“I am so sorry,” Bryce said as she looked up from her laptop.

“I take it, you didn’t get my text?” Sophie asked, sitting down on the side of the bed.

“No. I forgot my phone in your car when I went in to shop, and when I got out, I just put the GPS on and drove back. I thought you’d be done and we could eat a late lunch. Then, I needed to get the things that required refrigeration into the fridge, at least, but the bagger put the ice cream I got under the pretzels and chips, and it was like everything thatcouldgo wrongwentwrong. I’m so sorry. We should’ve just gone together later, after all. Did I screw it up for you?”

“No,” she said, lying down. “You were distracting, but you’re always a little distracting to me.”

“Oh, I am, am I?”

“Yes.” Sophie chuckled.

“Can I tell you something?” Bryce asked with a smile.


“Well, it’s two things, really.” Bryce closed her laptop. “Number one: you were hot just now.”


“Wearing your fancy interview clothes and nailing those questions like a boss. It was sexy. I’m selfishly glad I got to see that.”

Sophie laughed and asked, “What’s the other thing?”

“You said that your girlfriend was home,” Bryce said.

“Yeah. I didn’t know how else to describe it. How do I tell an interviewer that you’re my new girlfriend who’s staying with me but not really because you have a hotel room? Just seemed easier.”

“It sounded good,” Bryce admitted.

Sophie smiled.

“And it gave me an idea for a blog,” Bryce added.

“It did?”

“Yeah. So, the article forWomen Loving Womenjust went live, and Victoria sent me the link.”


“Blogs move fast. You need clicks. Anyway, I read it. It’s good. Want me to send it to you?”


“I was thinking that I’d link to it on my site, but maybe give my subscribers an update on us, too, now that the article gave it away that it worked out when we met again. Is that okay?”

“What are you going to say?” Sophie asked.

“I wrote it already. Want to read it first?”

“You wrote it already?When? How long was I interviewing for?”

“It’s a blog post, not a dissertation. It doesn’t take that long when you’ve been doing it as long as I have,” Bryce said as she opened her computer.

She turned it toward Sophie to allow her to read, and Sophie shifted until her head was on Bryce’s shoulder.