‘My girlfriend just got home.’ That’s what she said today after I borrowed her car and went to the grocery store to get things for us to eat tonight. To you, that might seem mundane, or just like any other day, but to me, it was special. I found my Sophie. Not only did I find her, but I’m with her right now. I got on the plane this time. She scared the crap out of me when she was late to our first meeting at our bar, but she had an excellent excuse. I kissed her. I couldn’t wait; I had to kiss her. And it did NOT disappoint. It was somehow the best kiss of my life, even though our first kiss is also still the best kiss of my life. It’s been two amazing nights and three days now, and if you didn’t notice in the first sentence, I said the word ‘girlfriend.’ Sophieis my girlfriend now. I’m hers. I have been for a while, but it’s official now. It’s still there between us, and I’ve never been happier.
I know it’s not going to be easy. I don’t live here. We’ll have to be together long-distance for a while. But I’d do long-distance with her over anything else with anyone else. She’s a total badass. I just watched her nail this job thing that other people would’ve maybe been distracted with because their girlfriend was dropping things in the kitchen left and right like she’d never put groceries away before. That girlfriend was me. I was the one dropping things in Sophie’s kitchen. But here’s the thing: while she was doing this virtual meeting, Sophie said that her girlfriend had just gotten home, and I realized there were two things about that sentence that I really liked.
The girlfriend part stuck out, obviously, but she said that I was home, and that’s how it feels. I probably put everything in the wrong spots in her kitchen, but the apartment isn’t my home. I think Sophie might just be, though. I know some people might say that’s crazy; we hardly know each other. And maybe, in some ways, that’s true, but I feel it. I’m hoping her statement means she does, too, because it’s real, and I’m so happy that I’m currently in her bedroom and my girl is out there kicking ass on some video conference thing.
Because of you, I found her, and I wanted you to all know that not only did I find her, but I’m with her right now, and I’m looking forward to spending as much time with her as possible.
Also, because of you, an online magazine called Women Loving Women wanted to write an article about us. Soph and I talked to them yesterday, and the article is already live. Not only that, but I just got an email from someone else who wants to write about us, and I had a phone call come in about five minutes ago. I quickly silenced my phone and didn’t answer the call because I’d already dropped a can of beer that willundoubtedly explode when I open it later, but Sophie was on her own important call, and I didn’t want to distract her again, so I checked the voicemail, and they want to talk to us, too.
It’s crazy how this all happened, but if writing a blog post I never thought anyone would read led me to Sophie and everything else, I’m so glad that I had the courage to write it and hit publish. Everything with this woman feels special in a way nothing else ever has before, and I mean EVERYTHING. You can take that for what you want, but trust me, it’s the truth.
She’s wrapping up her video thing now, so I need to wrap up this post because I want to find out how it went and talk about making food together because that’s what it’s all about. It’s the magic meetings and insanely good first kisses, but it’s also the cooking and shopping and taking out the trash, too. I want all of it with Sophie.
Sophie finished reading and smiled over at Bryce.
“I can take out the part abouteverythingbeing special, if you want.”
“No, I like it,” Sophie said, resting back against Bryce’s chest. “It’s true.”
“Babe, sex with you is mind-blowing. I think how you put it leaves little to the imagination, but it’s not scandalous or anything. Some people have sex. We’re some people. We had sex. It was really good and definitely special.”
“Was? Let’s not use past tense when we’re talking about our sex, okay?”
“Did you look in the drawer?”
“Sophie Santiago with her sinful drawer,” Bryce said as she laughed. “And no. I’m not looking through your stuff unless you tell me it’s okay.”
“You can open it now, if you want. You’re on my side of the bed,” Sophie noted.
“Before I do that, because there will be no stopping me once I see what you have in there, did you catch the part about two people reaching out to me about our story?”
“Yeah. That’s crazy. Do they want interviews?”
“Yes. I haven’t replied to either of them. I wanted to talk to you about it first.”
“I’ll do whatever you want, Bry. This helps your business.”
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“I’ll tell you if I am, okay?” Sophie promised. “Are you going to post that?” She nodded toward the blog on the screen.
“I need to text Sean first.”
“Why? Did she message you or something?”
“No, but she reads my blog. She gets an email every time there’s a new post.”
“Ah,” Sophie said. “You want her to skip this one?”
“I don’t want her to get hurt,” Bryce replied.
“I understand. I’m going to get up and change while you do that.” Sophie slid out of bed.
“Don’t change. Just get undressed,” Bryce said as she picked up her phone.
“I thought we were going to have a late lunch.” Sophie watched Bryce’s mouth open, so she added, “And don’t you dare make some lame joke about me being your lunch.” She laughed.