Sophie Santiago: I am very okay.
Jill Solomon: Are you having sex? Did you already have sex? I hope you’re not messaging us during, because that would mean it’s probably bad.
“She’s asking you if we’re having sex right now?” Bryce asked with a laugh.
“She’s intrusive, but she means well,” Sophie said, turning around in Bryce’s arms. “Do you want to watch a movie or something?”
“Yes, but I’ll still be kissing you during, so make it one you’ve seen before.”
Sophie silenced her phone for the night before putting it on the desk and said, “I was thinking I could maybe take that shower now since I probably need it.”
“Yes.” Bryce nodded rapidly. “Do that. I–” She cleared her throat. “I can find a movie for us to watch.”
“I don’t have any clothes to change into.”
“I don’t see a problem there.” Bryce shrugged.
Sophie laughed and asked, “Bry, can I borrow something to sleep in?”
Bryce smiled at her and said, “Start the water. I’ll find you something and message my friends that I’m good, too, and safe with you.”
Sophie leaned in and pressed her lips to Bryce’s.
“If you tell them that we had sex, tell them I was good.” Sophie winked at her.
Bryce laughed and reached for her phone.
Bryce felt a warm hand move along her bare stomach. Her eyes opened, and she turned to find Sophie leaning up on her elbow, staring down at her hand as it moved. Her eyes moved to meet Bryce’s, and they both smiled nervously at each other. This was the awkward morning-after part, except it wasn’t really awkward. It was nice. Sophie had her hand on Bryce’s skin. She was stroking it, and she’d just been watching her fingertips glide across it.
“I woke up with you next to me, and I still kind of can’t believe that. I had to touch you to make sure you were real,” Sophie said.
“I’m real,” she replied. “But you can touch me whenever you want if you need reminding.”
“Good morning,” Sophie said, proceeding to wrap her arm around Bryce fully now, moving into her.
“Morning,” she replied, wrapping her own arm around Sophie’s shoulder to allow her head to lie against her chest. “Well, I was going to kiss you, but…”
“Morning breath. After I brush my teeth,” Sophie told her.
“Sophie, I waited over a year to wake up next to you. Do you honestly think I care if you have morning breath? Ifeitherof us do?”
“I want you to want to kiss me again,” Sophie argued.
Bryce chuckled and shook her head.
“Babe, I pretty much always want to kiss you. I’ve spent a year wanting to kiss you. Last night, I couldn’tstopkissing you. Remember the bathroom?”
“Yes,” Sophie said, chuckling as well now. She shifted until she was looking at Bryce again and added, “And I also remember the first pair of shorts you pulled out for me to wear. They were very, very tiny, Bryce.”
Bryce cupped her cheek and said, “I don’t even know how those got in there. I packed three times. The first time, I was so excited, I just kept tossing stuff into my bag. The second time, I tried to make sense, but the third time, I had everything organized and what I thought I’d need.”
“And tiny cheerleading shorts were things youneed?” Sophie quirked an eyebrow at her. “I don’t seeyouwearing those.”
“They are Kelsey’s,” Bryce explained as she shook her head. “We stay over at each other’s places sometimes. I probably have at least two or three of Kelsey’s sweaters and some of Megan’s socks, even.”
“Do you stay at Sean’s, too?” Sophie asked.